---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Diagon vs OrderN
Date:    Thu, May 12, 2005 1:35 am
To:      "Siesta, Self-Consistent DFT LCAO program,
http://www.uam.es/siesta"; <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Dear All,

         I am new SIESTA user. I am trying to relax C nanotube structure
with 532 atoms in unit cell. If the technique used is OrderN, the
particular place in the input file looks like

# Eigenvalue problem: order-N or diagonalization

SolutionMethod          OrderN      # OrderN or Diagon
ElectronicTemperature   5 K        # Temp. for Fermi smearing

# Molecular dynamics and relaxations

MD.TypeOfRun            CG          # Type of dynamics:
MD.NumCGsteps           40
MD.MaxForceTol          0.04 eV/Ang                                  "

           The output file, then, has written many times that CG tolerance
is reached but never said that it is starting next CG move as
it said for the 0th CG move as "Begin CG move =      0". I am
running the same job with the option diagon & there it is
printing after every CG move that
"Begin CG move =      2" etc etc...

            So, I am little bit confused about the output file structure
of the OrderN case. I ll copy some partsof the output file for


cgwf: iter = 1000      grad =          -0.000757      Eb(Ry) =   -1368.701892

cgwf: Maximum number of CG iterations reached

denmat: qtot (before DM normalization) =    2574.6250
ordern: qtot (after  DM normalization) =    2128.0000

siesta: iscf =    5

................................... in this way, last few lines are:

siesta: iscf =   79
Eharris(eV) =     -76851.8386  E_KS(eV) =     -76851.7380  dDmax =  0.0073

ordern: enum =   2128.0000
cgwf: iter =    1      grad =          -0.000290      Eb(Ry) =   -1401.943352

cgwf:  CG tolerance reached

denmat: qtot (before DM normalization) =    2582.4289
ordern: qtot (after  DM normalization) =    2128.0000

siesta: iscf =   80
Eharris(eV) =     -76851.8250  E_KS(eV) =     -76851.7798  dDmax =  0.0069


           Can you please help me to understand these differences? What is
"iscf step" here?

                           Best regards,  Mousumi

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