On Mon, 14 Jun 2004, Jean-Paul Crocombette wrote:

| Dear Raffaele,
| your Ni atoms are too close to get reasonnable results.
| The pseudopotential spheres (defined by the maximum core radius) should
| not overlap.
| Your pseudopotential radius being 2.050 a.u. (1.1 Ang.), any calculation
| with atoms closer than 2.2 Ang gives dubious results.
| A distance of 1 Ang is much too small. Siesta probably complained about
| the overlap in the output file.

Dear Siesta developers:
Is that true? Can anyone confirm or rebut this statement?
While it must be so for a "conventional" pseudopot calculation,
it seems I heard earlier that Siesta has a correction taking this into account,
so that large core radii are no more a problem.
With respect to Abinit, this might still be true
(again, does anybody know for sure?).

I think this is an important and sensitive issue.


Andrei Postnikov

+-- Dr. habil. Andrei Postnikov ----- Tel. +49-541-969.2377 -- Fax .2351 ---+
| Universitaet Osnabrueck - Fachbereich Physik, D-49069 Osnabrueck, Germany |
+-- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --------- http://www.home.uni-osnabrueck.de/apostnik/ --+

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