On Sun, 30 Mar 2008, Cheng Pin Yen wrote:

| Dear all : 
|  I have one question about siesta.
|  I used siesta 2.0 version and system is a Ru
| complex(Creutz-Taube ion) which has two redox site on
| Ru atom.
| One is 4d^6  :  
|   t2g(dxy + dyz + dxz) was supposed to be 6   
|   electrons,
|   eg(dz2 + dx2-y2) was supposed to be zero .
| And the other one is 4d^5  :  
|       t2g was supposed to be 5 electrons , 
|       eg was supposed to be zero .
|  How could I use command to do this ?
Dear Cheng Pin Yen:

as a rough tuning, you can define spin on each atom
directly in the InitSpin block of fdf input.
One of your configurations is magnetic and the other not,
so with a bit of luck you will be able to stabilize one and
another of them.

As a more sophisticated tuning, you can hack the density matrix,
addressing individual (on-site) terms for each orbital, 
and pray that these configurations survive in subsequent
self-consistent calculation with a prudent mixing.
I wrote a tool
which, as it is, does not allow to modify occupations of
individual orbitals, but it can be easily changed in this sense, I think.

Independently on this technical problem, and speaking about Ru ion,
I wonder how reasonable your results will be without a spin-orbit...

Good luck,


+-- Dr. Andrei Postnikov ---- Tel. +33-387315873 ----- mobile +33-666784053 ---+
| Paul Verlaine University - Institute de Chimie, Physique et Mat\'eriaux,     |
| Laboratoire de Physique des Milieux Denses, 1 Bd Arago, F-57078 Metz, France |
+-- [EMAIL PROTECTED] ------ http://www.home.uni-osnabrueck.de/apostnik/ --+

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