On 03/05/2008, at 12:39, Nidhi Sharma wrote:

Hi to all,

I am trying to compute the energy for different lattice constant to get the E vs V graph (in B1 phase of Smte using LDA). For this I have selected the range from 5.5 to 7.5 Ang in steps of 0.05. After Murnaghan fit optimize lattice consatnt comes out to be 6.87 Ang (Expt =6.594 Ang) and bulk modulus 38.3 GPa. (Expt = 40 GPa). I have also changed the different step size and the range but every time the optimized lattice constant is overestimated. Is it worth using this data for calculation ? Is it possible that some times lattice constant overestimates the experimental value ?

Yes, definitively is possible!
If I were you I would check with another basis set (smaller eshift, different split norm) and with a GGA functional.

  If not then please guide us where I am wrong ?


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