Dear Eduardo

After you mentioned i noticed tha the mesh does not change ... i have
grepped the "InitMesh: MESH =" from my output file and here is the output

InitMesh: MESH =   180 x   160 x   384 =    11059200
InitMesh: MESH =   180 x   160 x   384 =    11059200
InitMesh: MESH =   180 x   160 x   384 =    11059200
InitMesh: MESH =   180 x   160 x   384 =    11059200
InitMesh: MESH =   180 x   160 x   384 =    11059200
InitMesh: MESH =   180 x   160 x   384 =    11059200
InitMesh: MESH =   180 x   160 x   384 =    11059200
InitMesh: MESH =   180 x   160 x   384 =    11059200
InitMesh: MESH =   180 x   160 x   384 =    11059200
InitMesh: MESH =   180 x   160 x   384 =    11059200
InitMesh: MESH =   180 x   160 x   384 =    11059200
InitMesh: MESH =153600 x145800 x182250 = -1886683136

I really do not understand what is going on ... another anamoly that i see
is that i have supplied the following lattice vectors as the input

block LatticeVectors
14.982891    0.000680    0.015378
0.000589   12.947787   -0.003033
0.031384   -0.007147   30.441943
%endblock LatticeVectors

but for CG =0 i get the following in the output file
outcell: Unit cell vectors (Ang):
       14.700000    0.000000    0.000000
        0.000000   12.730580    0.000000
        0.000000    0.000000   30.000000

I notice that the job crashed when the cell vector became more then the
input specified

grep "outcell: Cell vector modules (Ang)   :" *.out

outcell: Cell vector modules (Ang)   :   14.700000   12.730580   30.000000
outcell: Cell vector modules (Ang)   :   14.917065   12.920354   30.024935
outcell: Cell vector modules (Ang)   :   14.905544   12.910281   30.023611
outcell: Cell vector modules (Ang)   :   14.919716   12.900398   30.139252
outcell: Cell vector modules (Ang)   :   14.942395   12.884584   30.324281
outcell: Cell vector modules (Ang)   :   14.928030   12.894601   30.207079
outcell: Cell vector modules (Ang)   :   14.801968   13.042322   30.402947
outcell: Cell vector modules (Ang)   :   14.896749   12.931255   30.255680
outcell: Cell vector modules (Ang)   :   14.904436   12.918676   30.309642
outcell: Cell vector modules (Ang)   :   14.916736   12.898548   30.395983
outcell: Cell vector modules (Ang)   :   14.908514   12.912003   30.338265
outcell: Cell vector modules (Ang)   :   14.982899   12.947787   30.441960

Could you help me out with what is going on here.



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