I've got the same problem when I was trying to compute optical properties
even in the serial version ... simply dont know what happens, but the
calculation just sleep ...


On Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 4:06 PM, Lakee Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> Hello, Dear all,
> These days, I was trying to run a calculation with the parallel version of
> siesta on a PC cluster. It was compiled by mpich2 and pgi compiler. What
> surprises me is that, sometimes, it runs normally, and sometimes, the task
> enters a sleeping status right after I submit the job by "mpiexec -n 8
> siesta <input> output".  In the output of the command "top", I can see "S"
> as the status on the line of my job. At this time ,it never goes on.  This
> happens very frequently, even for the same input file.  I do not know why.
> Could you tell me how to avoid entering a sleeping state right after the
> submission of the job, please?
> Thank you very much!!
> Sincerely,
> Lakee

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