Dear siesta user,
I'm simulating the zincblende structure of InN. I did my pseudo potential
with the Atom program to include the core correction and the semicore d
electron necessary in the description of In. Then I variationally choose
 the basis set cut off radii for single and double 'z', single and double
polarized orbitals. In the calculation of the equilibrium lattice constant,
I obtain the parabolic-like behaviour useful for Murnaghan fitting, but
unfortunately, in spite of my LDA description, for all the basis set chosen
the lattice parameter is overestimated. This is pretty strange for a LDA
calculation, and i suspect the problem is in the bases set. Can anyone
suggest me something about this strange LDA lattice parameter

I will try using different shapes of PAO but being long range orbitals the
difference shouldn't be too big...

Both pseudo and siesta simulation are calculated with LDA.

Thanks to everyone



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