Dear siesta users..
I am new user of siesta.
I am doing calculations of an Fe/Co nanowire. My system contains  18 atoms.
As both Fe and Co are magnetic, I have set the spin polarised flag true. In
the output it is shown that
 Total spin polarization (Qup-Qdown) =    5.471783
I understand that this value is in bohr magneton and it is the total
magnetization of the nanowire. But this value is very low as the individual
magnetic moments of Fe and Co are  around 2.2 and 1.7 respectvely.
Previously I have done calculations of the same system in VASP and the total
magneticmoment of the system is 36 bohr magneton..
Can anybody please explain what is wrong / what is the way to get the local
and total magnetic moment frm the siesta output file..I am doing a collinear
thanks in advance

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