Dear prof. Pablo,

 I rally dnt know the actual cause of the problem, but I have seen that
there are discussions in the forum on same issue. For  running smeagol, for
the electronic structure part the siesta_1.3f1p  version is used.
Calculations with siesta.2.0 version is running successfully.
I expect responses from people who have similar experiences.
On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 1:03 PM, Pablo Ordejón Rontomé <>wrote:

> Are you sure this is an issue of Siesta,  or is it a Smeagol problem??
>    This list does not support questions related to Smeagol.
> Pablo Ordejon.
> El 11/02/09 7:08, "asa aravindh" <> escribió:
> Dear all..
> I have a question regarding the running of smeagol package. When I tried to
> run the examples in the smeagol.1.0b distribution, I am getting the
> following error message and the program stops .
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> siesta:                 ===============================
>                             Begin MD step =      1
>                         ===============================
> superc: Internal auxiliary supercell:     1 x     1 x     3  =       3
> superc: Number of atoms, orbitals, and projectors:      6     6    24
> InitMesh: MESH =    80 x    80 x    36 =      230400
> InitMesh: Mesh cutoff (required, used) =   100.000   114.217 Ry
> * Maximum dynamic memory allocated =    16 MB
> stepf: Fermi-Dirac step function
>  FERMID: QTOT,SUMQ=   2.00000000000000      NaN
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> I have seen that this problem is being  discussed in the siesta list ,
> still I couldnt find a solution after trying various options , like changing
> the tolerance, mesh cut off..
> But I am not getting any such problems if I am runing the siesta.2.0
> version.
> Any suggestion would be greatly appreaciated.
> Thanks in advance
> Asa
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Prof. Pablo Ordejon
> CIN2: Centre d'Investigació en Nanociència i Nanotecnologia (CSIC-ICN)
> Postal Address (temporary):
> CIN2
> Edificio ETSE, Planta 2, Despacho QC-2107
> Campus de la U.A.B.
> 08193 Bellaterra, Barcelona (Spain)
> Phone: +34 93 581 37 98
> Fax:   +34 93 581 37 97
> Email:

Assa Aravindh.S
Research Scholar
Theory and Computational Studies Section,
Material Science Division, IGCAR, India

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