I dont think is wise using expressions like "stupid blackbox" in any
scientific forum.

On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 3:55 PM, lan haiping <lanhaip...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I donot think it is wise to advertise a stupid black box .
> On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 8:51 PM, Markus Kaukonen 
> <markus.kauko...@iki.fi>wrote:
>> Dear All,
>> I disagree with Dr. Torres:
>> in case Siesta is not having some method built in it is useful for
>> users to know in which codes the desired option is present.
>> Open competition between codes should benefit users.
>> terveisin, Markus
>> --www=http://www.iki.fi/markus.kaukonen
>> --markus.kauko...@iki.fi
>> --office: N102 Nano building FIN-02015 TKK
>> --home: Viinirinne 3 F 12, 02630 Espoo, FIN
>> --tel: h 045-1242068, w 4518694, 050-5112785
>> --Rikos ei kannata, eika maatalous
>> --Suomessa. (Paimio 1998) ---
> --
> Hai-Ping Lan
> Department of Electronics ,
> Peking University , Bejing, 100871
> lanhaip...@gmail.com, hp...@pku.edu.cn

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