From the energy part of the output alone we can't tell if the input was
correct. You see a smallish difference and lower energy with the ghost, which
one would expect.
Total energies are meaningless, and of course adding a few basis functions won't
change the total by a lot. You need to compare differences (like a binding
energy, as you indicated in your original post).
In the example outputs below, the difference (in absolute energies) is 0.09 eV.
That's 2 kcal/mol or 9 kJ/mol. Depending on the interaction you are looking at,
this may or may not be negligible.
On 03/18/2011 02:00 AM, Wei Hu wrote:
Dear,the ghost atoms calculations seem to little effects on the total energy
from my results. Is there any wrong?
My results about a nitrogen-vacancy center in bulk diamond C62N (2*2*2):
The results with ghost atoms:
siesta: Program's energy decomposition (eV):
siesta: Eions = 16680.576136
siesta: Ena = 3653.202863
siesta: Ekin = 7163.588024
siesta: Enl = -820.400928
siesta: DEna = -182.458272
siesta: DUscf = 15.575306
siesta: DUext = 0.000000
siesta: Exc = -3054.613637
siesta: eta*DQ = 0.000000
siesta: Emadel = 0.000000
siesta: Ekinion = 0.000000
siesta: Eharris = -9905.679557
siesta: Etot = -9905.682781
siesta: FreeEng = -9905.682783
siesta: Final energy (eV):
siesta: Kinetic = 7163.588024
siesta: Hartree = 894.608032
siesta: Ext. field = 0.000000
siesta: Exch.-corr. = -3054.613637
siesta: Ion-electron = -8393.758885
siesta: Ion-ion = -6515.506314
siesta: Ekinion = 0.000000
siesta: Total = -9905.682781
The results without ghost atoms:
siesta: Program's energy decomposition (eV):
siesta: Eions = 16680.576136
siesta: Ena = 3653.202863
siesta: Ekin = 7164.385562
siesta: Enl = -820.554764
siesta: DEna = -182.943454
siesta: DUscf = 15.589130
siesta: DUext = 0.000000
siesta: Exc = -3054.694636
siesta: eta*DQ = 0.000000
siesta: Emadel = 0.000000
siesta: Ekinion = 0.000000
siesta: Eharris = -9905.587400
siesta: Etot = -9905.591435
siesta: FreeEng = -9905.591437
siesta: Final energy (eV):
siesta: Kinetic = 7164.385562
siesta: Hartree = 894.861106
siesta: Ext. field = 0.000000
siesta: Exch.-corr. = -3054.694636
siesta: Ion-electron = -8394.637153
siesta: Ion-ion = -6515.506314
siesta: Ekinion = 0.000000
siesta: Total = -9905.591435
-----Original E-mail-----
From: "Herbert Fruchtl"<>
Sent Time: 2011-3-17 22:36:53
Subject: Re: [SIESTA-L] about basis-set superposition error (BSSE)
You can calculate counterpoise-corrected energies by specifying ghost atoms.
There is no way of doing counterpoise-corrected geometry optimisations in
On 03/17/2011 01:57 PM, yf liu wrote:
Hello everybody,
whether the basis-set superposition error (BSSE) is included in siesta
calculation. when i calculate the molecule adsorption on carbon nanotube, i
found the adsorption energy is some higher than the well know value. how can i
add the BSSE in siesta calculation?
yufeng liu
Herbert Fruchtl
Senior Scientific Computing Officer
School of Chemistry, School of Mathematics and Statistics
University of St Andrews
The University of St Andrews is a charity registered in Scotland:
No SC013532
Herbert Fruchtl
Senior Scientific Computing Officer
School of Chemistry, School of Mathematics and Statistics
University of St Andrews
The University of St Andrews is a charity registered in Scotland:
No SC013532