
One possible reason is that your convergence parameters are not sufficiently
strict. DM convergences of 10^-3 will give you very poor results. Ideally,
the DM convergence should be as strict as possible, and you can easily get
down to 10^-5 or even 10^-6 with systems as easy to handle as graphene.

However, perhaps the most important thing is to check that Harris and
Kohn-Sham energies are equal. Check Eq. 61 of the Siesta paper (the one with
the description of the code, http://es.arxiv.org/abs/cond-mat/0111138).
Thus, set the DM tolerance low enough so that the Harris and KS energies are
equal at the end of your SCF cycle, which will improve the numerical
accuracy of the forces and stresses on the system. Your SCF cycles will be
longer, but it could be that you get to your target stress tensor in less CG

Also, one thing that might help you is to set the off-diagonal and zz
stress-tensor components to zero at the end of each step, since they should
be just numerical noise due to a finite grid fineness. You can check the
manual for the use of subroutine constr and the setting of stress tensor
elements there. Only after you get reliable forces and stresses for a given
mesh cutoff (with good scf convergence) should you worry about how it
increases with a change in the mesh cutoff.



On Thu, Sep 15, 2011 at 12:31 AM, Piotr Tempczyk <piotrtempc...@wp.pl>wrote:

> **
> Dear siesta users,
> I have a problem with obtaining a graphene 2x2 cell (8 atoms) with
> Stress-Tensor-Voigt elements less than 0.01 kBar.
> The best I have managed to get is:
> Stress-tensor-Voigt (kbar):        0.02        0.01        0.00
> 0.01        0.00        0.00
> with fdf attached at the end of this email.
> I was trying to obtain it with parameters
> MD.VariableCell        T
> MD.MaxStressTol 0.001 GPa
> but siesta made 1000 CG steps and did not manage to achieve a goal.
> I have also discovered, that when I incerase MeshCutoff from 300 to 400 Ry
> the stress
> tensor elements become ten times bigger. Why is that happening?
> In my future work I want to replace one or more carbon atoms in my 2x2 cell
> with
> other atoms, so I need to optimize that heterogenous cell and I am afraid,
> that
> it will be much more complicated problem that this with pure graphene, so I
> will
> appreciate any hints how to optimize pure graphene and that with other
> atoms.
> I will be grateful for any help and hints about my problem,
> Best regards,
> Peter Tempczyk
> University of Warsaw
> ul. Hoza 69
> SystemLabel      graf
> NumberOfAtoms    8
> NumberOfSpecies  1
> %block ChemicalSpeciesLabel
>     1    6  C
> %endblock ChemicalSpeciesLabel
> PAO.BasisSize
> PAO.BasisType     split
> kgrid_cutoff 10 Ang
> MeshCutoff           300. Ry
> SolutionMethod        diagon       # diagonalizacion. order-N. TD-DFT
> MaxSCFIterations      1000          # Max. number of iterations in SCF.
> DM.MixingWeight       0.1         # weight of mixing in the DM for
> convergence
> DM.Tolerance          1.d-3        # Tolerance in differences of DM
> DM.NumberPulay         4           # Number of previous steps of DM for
> mixing
> ElectronicTemperature  300 K
> MD.TypeOfRun         CG            #molecular dynamics conjugate gradients
> MD.NumCGsteps        1000        # number of steps
> MD.MaxForceTol       0.00001 eV/Ang
> MD.MaxCGDispl        0.01 Bohr
> DM.Energy.Tolerance   1.d-3   eV     # Tolerance in energy
> DM.Require.Harris.Convergence T
> DM.Harris.Tolerance   1.d-3   eV
> DM.Require.Energy.Convergence T      # energia musi zejsc ponizej zadanego
> poziomu!!!
> WriteCoorInitial        T
> WriteCoorStep           T       # must be set true to write coords at each
> relax step to .ANI file
> WriteForces             T
> WriteKpoints            F
> WriteEigenvalues        F       # use with eig2dos to plot density of
> states
> WriteKbands             F
> WriteBands              F
> WriteCoorXmol           T
> WriteCoorCerius         T       # writes final coordinats for Cerius
> WriteMDCoorXmol         T
> WriteDM                 T       # true is default - allows for a restart
> using DM from previous run
> WriteMDhistory          T
> WriteCoorXmol           T
> # Options for saving/reading information
> DM.UseSaveDM            T       # Use DM Continuation files (use for
> restarting jobs)
> MD.UseSaveXV            T      # Use stored positions and velocities (use
> for restart jobs)
> UseSaveData             T       # useful if a restart is needed
> MD.UseSaveCG            T      # Use stored positions and velocities
> SaveRho                 F        # Write valence pseudocharge at the mesh
> SaveDeltaRho            F        # Write RHOscf-RHOatm at the mesh
> SaveElectrostaticPotential F   # Write the total elect. pot. at the mesh
> SaveTotalPotential     F     # Write the total pot. at the mesh
> WriteSiestaDim          F      # Write minimum dim to siesta.h and stop
> WriteDenchar           F      # Write information for DENCHAR
> NetCharge              0.00
> #SlabDipoleCorrection T
> #SimulateDoping T
> SpinPolarized         F       # spin polarization
> xc.functional         GGA          # flavour of functional (LDA/GGA)
> xc.authors            PBE           # Parametrization fos xc
> WriteMullikenPop       0
> WriteEigenvalues    .true.
> WriteWaveFunctions  .true.
> #inny sposob podawania parametrow
> LatticeConstant 2.481807 Ang
> %block LatticeParameters
>    2.000000 2.000000    60.0  90.  90.  60.
> %endblock LatticeParameters
> AtomicCoordinatesFormat NotScaledCartesianAng
> %block AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies
>     1.24192412    0.71702548    0.00000   1
>     2.48283025    1.43346309    0.00000   1
>     2.48282797    2.86633383    0.00000   1
>     3.72373434    3.58277111    0.00000   1
>     3.72373167    0.71702567    0.00000   1
>     4.96463747    1.43346348    0.00000   1
>     4.96463527    2.86633370    0.00000   1
>     6.20554162    3.58277150    0.00000   1
> %endblock AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies
> AtomCoorFormatOut Ang

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