Dear Nick,

Thanks for your quick reply.

I have make a sample of k-points on the electrode. But the TSHS file of 
electrode is calcualted on anothter  cluster of which the OS is Suse. Due to 
the memeory capacity, I have to use a large memeory cluster. But on this one, 
the OS is  Ubuntu. So I guess, the error may be caused by this. So I 
recalculate the electrode on the new cluster. The task is in the queue. I hope 
this can solve this problem. If it does not work, I will follow your 
instruction step by step to figure out the reasion.

But another thing strange I have met is: in the mannul it saids the fdf is case 
insensitive. And this is true in the suse cluster. But on the Ubuntu cluster, 
it not the case. In Z-matrix declaration, the key word "Variables" is not 
recognized, it must be "variables". Is this because Ubuntu?

Best regard.


Guangping Zhang


发件人:Nick Papior Andersen <>
发送时间:2013-10-10 08:48
主题:Re: [SIESTA-L] Bus error during Transiesta in trunk428

The only deallocation performed by node 0 is an array containing the atomic 
species, I suspect you see the same error no matter the number of cores used?

It could mean a couple of things, the electrode TSHS is not fully populated 
(i.e. erroneous), you did a Gamma-point electrode calculation, or that there is 
an actual error in the communication.
Can you please supply your electrode and transiesta fdf files.

Could you please try and goto line 1055 of file Src/m_ts_electrode.F90 and add 
this (right before the "call memory" line):

and recompile/run and return the output to me?

Kind regards Nick

2013/10/10 zgp121 <>

Dear SIESTA users:

When I use 24 cores to run the TranSIESTA calculation using trunk 428, I got 
the error like this:

 /var/spool/slurmd/job1321828/slurm_script: line 12: 19218 Bus error  mpirun 
transiesta < trans-0.0.fdf > trans-0.0.log

And I also find the following message in trans-0.0.log:

Creating Green's function file for: left 

WARNING: alloc-realloc-dealloc name mismatch
         Name: elec_HS unknown
         Size:              -588. Bytes
         Node:     0
         Subsequent mismatches will not be reported

The system of the HPC is Ubuntu. And in the compiliation, Ifort(10.1.012), 
MKL(, OpenMPI(1.4.5) are used.

Can anyone figure out what is the problem?

Guangping Zhang 

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