Thank you very much for your suggestion. I will give it a try!

Sebastián Caicedo Dávila
Bionanoelectronics research group
School of electrical and electronics engineering
Universidad del Valle
Cali - Colombia

> On 18/11/2013, at 11:50, Максим Арсентьев <> wrote:
> I also try some siesta only six months, but for a more heterogeneous 
> structure I noticed that the reduction DM.MixingWeight reduces oscillations 
> in convergence, so try to play with it (decrease DM.MixingWeight). See 
> Maybe someone will tell something else.
> 2013/11/18 Sebastian Caicedo D. <>
>> Dear Siesta/Transiesta users,
>> I've been using the software for a couple months and made some calculations 
>> of InAs and InP unit cell quite successfully. Now I intend to work on 
>> transiesta calculations of a heterostructure of both these materials (InAs 
>> bulk with InP barriers). As a first approach I want to simulate a couple of 
>> InAs unit cells and the barriers shall be unit cells of InP, just to get a 
>> qualitative idea. The electrodes .TSHS files were obtained from the previous 
>> calculations of the InAs unit cell. I wanted first to run a siesta 
>> calculation of the whole heterostructure, so I can take a look at the 
>> eigenvalues and define a correct value for the parameter 
>> TS.ComplexContour.Emin, as suggested in the manual.
>> The structure has 120 atoms and I'm using LDA Pseudopotentials, obtained 
>> from the siesta webpage. (In Pseudo includes semicore electrons, so we have 
>> enough electrons to build a zinc-blende structure). The issue is that after 
>> 1000 SCF steps, the energy doesn't converge at all. I'm doing a Gamma-point 
>> calculation, but even when I make the k-grid 1x1x15 it doesn't work either.
>> I used the same MeshCutoff as for the individual materials unit cell an 
>> 200Ry and I increased the Energy Shift, so the calculation would be a bit 
>> faster though less precise.
>> I attach the Input (INPUT.fdf, STRUCTURE.fdf) and output files.
>> I would really appreciate any suggestions.
>> sincerely
>> Sebastian Caicedo Davila
>> Bionanoelectronics Group
>> School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
>> Universidad del Valle
>> Cali-Colombia
> -- 
> Best wishes,
> Dr. Maxim Arsent'ev
> Laboratory of inorganic synthesis
> Institute of Silicate Chemistry of RAS

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