Just to clarify: You are doing MD, not a geometry optimisation, and you are surprised that the forces don't go to zero? What are you trying to find? For a minimum energy structure, you need a geometry optimisation. In an MD simulation the total (potential+kinetic) energy should remain constant (depending on your ensemble...), but the forces will vary.


On 22/11/2013 08:58, Максим Арсентьев wrote:
  Dear Sebastian!

My calculations convverge at each MD cycle (about 300-400 SCF cycles),
but max force oscillate (about 0.1-0.04 eV/anstrom) and I can not finish
MD, and am already at 63 cycle and the calculation cycle is still going,
although the system is quite large and contains 47 atoms. My counter
question to all: does this oscillation of forces normal?
I would like to strict DM.Tolerance to 0.00001 (it is VERY important to
accurate calculation of forces) and to limit MD.MaxCGDispl .

  Best Wishes,

2013/11/21 Sebastian Caicedo Davila

    Hello Diana!!

    Thanks a lot for your suggestion! I'll give it a try and maybe I'll
    be bothering you again, if it is not an imposition, of course.

    Gracias de nuevo, y saludos desde tu tierra!

    Sebastian Caicedo Davila
    Bionanoelectronics Research Group
    School of electrical and electronics engineering
    Universidad del Valle
    Cali - Colombia.

    On Nov 21, 2013, at 11:02 AM, <d.otalv...@utwente.nl
    <mailto:d.otalv...@utwente.nl>> <d.otalv...@utwente.nl
    <mailto:d.otalv...@utwente.nl>> wrote:

    Hello Sebastian,

    I have had similar problems with convergence of the scf cycle.
    They were solved when I changed from Pulay mixing to Broyden
    mixing for the charge density.

    Usually if something doesn't converge in 250 cycles, it probably
    never will. Also you can play with the DM.Tolerance. For very
    difficult systems I set it to 0.0008 and then restart from that DM
    file with a stringer convergence criterion.

    Here is the settings I am using for my calculations:

    #--------------------Convergence of SCF-------------------------------
    MeshCutoff               200.0 Ry      # Default value PW cutoff
    for grid

    MaxSCFIterations        250              # Maximum number of SCF iter
    DM.NumberBroyden        3
    DM.MixingWeight         0.01             # New DM amount for next
    SCF cycle
    DM.Tolerance            0.0001           # Tolerance in maximum
    DM.UseSaveDM            .false.          # to use continuation files

    DM.NumberKick                  100
    DM.KickMixingWeight            0.01


    PS: yo tambien soy caleña!

    Diana M. Otálvaro
    PhD Candidate

    Computational Material Science
    MESA+ Institute of Nanotechnology
    University of Twente.
    Enschede, Nederland
    *From:*siesta-l-requ...@uam.es <mailto:siesta-l-requ...@uam.es>
    [siesta-l-requ...@uam.es <mailto:siesta-l-requ...@uam.es>] on
    behalf of Максим Арсентьев [ars21031...@gmail.com
    *Sent:*Wednesday, November 20, 2013 7:29 AM
    *To:*siesta-l@uam.es <mailto:siesta-l@uam.es>
    *Subject:*Re: [SIESTA-L] Convergence problem on heterostructure.

    I forgot to tell you - besides DM.MixingWeight 0.05 I also set
    PAO.EnergyShift to 65 meV as
    herehttp://www.nature.com/nnano/journal/v7/n9/extref/nnano.2012.127-s2.txt .

    Best wishes,
    Dr. Maxim Arsent'ev
    Laboratory of inorganic synthesis
    Institute of Silicate Chemistry of RAS

    2013/11/18 Mahmoud Hammouri<m...@nmsu.edu <mailto:m...@nmsu.edu>>

        You could also try to increase the non-equilibrium contour points.


        On Nov 18, 2013, at 11:22, "Sebastián Cauce do Dávila"
        <mailto:sebastian.caic...@correounivalle.edu.co>> wrote:

        Thank you very much for your suggestion. I will give it a try!

        Sebastián Caicedo Dávila
        Bionanoelectronics research group
        School of electrical and electronics engineering
        Universidad del Valle
        Cali - Colombia

        On 18/11/2013, at 11:50, Максим Арсентьев
        <ars21031...@gmail.com <mailto:ars21031...@gmail.com>> wrote:

        I also try some siesta only six months, but for a more
        heterogeneous structure I noticed that the reduction
        DM.MixingWeight reduces oscillations in convergence, so try
        to play with it (decrease DM.MixingWeight). See
        Maybe someone will tell something else.

        2013/11/18 Sebastian Caicedo

            Dear Siesta/Transiesta users,

            I've been using the software for a couple months and
            made some calculations of InAs and InP unit cell quite
            successfully. Now I intend to work on transiesta
            calculations of a heterostructure of both these
            materials (InAs bulk with InP barriers). As a first
            approach I want to simulate a couple of InAs unit cells
            and the barriers shall be unit cells of InP, just to get
            a qualitative idea. The electrodes .TSHS files were
            obtained from the previous calculations of the InAs unit
            cell. I wanted first to run a siesta calculation of the
            whole heterostructure, so I can take a look at the
            eigenvalues and define a correct value for the parameter
            TS.ComplexContour.Emin, as suggested in the manual.

            The structure has 120 atoms and I'm using LDA
            Pseudopotentials, obtained from the siesta webpage. (In
            Pseudo includes semicore electrons, so we have enough
            electrons to build a zinc-blende structure). The issue
            is that after 1000 SCF steps, the energy doesn't
            converge at all. I'm doing a Gamma-point calculation,
            but even when I make the k-grid 1x1x15 it doesn't work

            I used the same MeshCutoff as for the individual
            materials unit cell an 200Ry and I increased the Energy
            Shift, so the calculation would be a bit faster though
            less precise.

            I attach the Input (INPUT.fdf, STRUCTURE.fdf) and output

            I would really appreciate any suggestions.


            Sebastian Caicedo Davila
            Bionanoelectronics Group
            School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
            Universidad del Valle

        Best wishes,
        Dr. Maxim Arsent'ev
        Laboratory of inorganic synthesis
        Institute of Silicate Chemistry of RAS

    Best wishes,
    Dr. Maxim Arsent'ev
    Laboratory of inorganic synthesis
    Institute of Silicate Chemistry of RAS

Best wishes,
Dr. Maxim Arsent'ev
Laboratory of inorganic synthesis
Institute of Silicate Chemistry of RAS

Herbert Fruchtl
Senior Scientific Computing Officer
School of Chemistry, School of Mathematics and Statistics
University of St Andrews
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