Thanks very much for the earlier help but I am still stuck and unable to
perform anything in the utilities. The siesta I compiled works well so does
eig2dos but I am having trouble with the vibra package.
As you said last time, I did the modification in the vibra.h file in
siesta, still I am getting some error. I tried this will all the possible
version of siesta but it's not working in any one of them.

The error it says is,

fcbuild < sih.fdf (my initial input file )

At line 119 of file recoor.f (unit = 5, file = 'stdin')
Fortran runtime error: Bad real number in item 1 of list input

Every bit of Help will be really helpful.

On Fri, Jul 11, 2014 at 2:43 AM, Dr. Mohan L. Verma <>

> hey Bishal..
> Go to  ~/siesta/Util/vibra/src  and modify in the  line no. 22  in vibra.h
> parameter (maxa = 8)  to parameter (maxa = 64) and recompile fcbuild and
> vibrator  simply using   make.
> I think this will work.
> all the best.
> Dr Mohan L Verma
> Prof & Head
> Department of Applied Physics
> FET,SSGI Shri Shankaracharya Technical Campus-Junwani, Bhilai
> (Chhattisgrah) INDIA
> 490020
>   On Friday, 11 July 2014 9:56 AM, Bishal Bhattarai <
>> wrote:
> Nick Papior Andersen,
> Thanks for your earlier Reply.
> I did the following steps till now,
> (compile siesta)
> cd Obj
> sh ../Src/
> cd ../Pseudo/atom
> make
> cd ../../Util
> sh
> This this generated both executable file for the
> fcbuild.f & vibrator.f in the Util/Vibra/Src package. Now the
> description says that it will use a .fdf file as an input and it creates
>  an .fdf file as an output. Is this the same fdf file used during the
> run of siesta or is it from my output files or i have to have a new
> input file ??
> I also tried.
> fcbuild < sih.fdf (my initial input file )
> it gives the error as
> redata:
>  System Name                      = SIH1
> redata: System Label                     = SIH1
> Number of Atoms                  =   64
> chkdim: ERROR: In fcbuild, dimension maxa =       8. It must be at least      
> 64
> i have already generated a .FC file for the phonon relaxation. I am doing it 
> in the siesta 3.1 version.
> EVERY BIT of information and Suggestion will be fully appreciated. Thankyou.
> Sincerely,
> Bishal Bhattarai
> Ohio University, USA
> On Thu, Jul 10, 2014 at 2:04 AM, Nick Papior Andersen <
>> wrote:
> You should run "make" and not try to compile it "yourself". :)
> Almost all applications in siesta utilities are compiled using makefiles.
> At least for 3.1 and above, I do not know about the 2.0.2 version.
> 2014-07-10 3:06 GMT+00:00 <>:
> I am a new person in SIESTA. I need to do some phonon calculations with the
> SIESTA. I have already got the sample.FC file after running the siesta
> with my
> Input .fdf file. How can I use these collected files after the simulations
> to
> run in the vibra package.
> How can i compile first the fcbuild.f file in SIESTA-2.0.2 or SIESTA-3.1
> package ?
> Can I do this ?
> $ f95 fcbuild.f -o fcbuild
> but it says an error !!!
> fcbuild.f:29.72:
>       use fdf
>                                                                         1
> Fatal Error: Can't open module file 'fdf.mod' for reading at (1): No such
> file
> or directory
> Hoping for a kind reply.
> Sincerely,
> Bishal Bhattarai
> Ohio University,USA
> --
> Kind regards Nick

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