it is *.FA file contains forces (eV/Ang)

Best wishe, Maxim.

2014-07-26 17:00 GMT+04:00 邵德喜 <>:

> Dear  Maxim:
> I'm so sorry to disturb you again,but  I've completed the  kpoint grid
> convergence  with a reletive high value of Meshcutoff just follow your
> words.Then I've got many FORCE_STRESS files related to different kpoint
> grid.In these files the first four lines is just as follows:
>               -1470.4169519132
>          -0.000001407      -0.000000013       0.000000004
>          -0.000000013       0.000000460       0.000000004
>           0.000000004       0.000000004       0.000050126
> I want to know what does the first line "-1470.4169519132" mean?And you've
> told me the parameter used to convergence test  is  Force.Is Force you mean
> the value " -1470.4169519132"  or the next 3*3 matrix
>          -0.000001407      -0.000000013       0.000000004
>          -0.000000013       0.000000460       0.000000004
>           0.000000004       0.000000004       0.000050126
> ?
> Thans very very much .
> Dexi Shao
> 2014-07-25 20:39 GMT+08:00 邵德喜 <>:
> Thanks very very much for all your replay,saluted  all of you !
>> Dexi Shao
>> 2014-07-25 19:22 GMT+08:00 Максим Арсентьев <>:
>> Yes, you right.
>>> To clarify 1st keep fixed high meshcutoff and vary kpoint -> select
>>> kpoint and keep it fixed but vary meshcutoff
>>> Maybe this can be vice versa, or not,but possibly it is not so important
>>> (final value of meshcutoff about 350-400 Ry, sometimes for late heavy
>>> transition metal elements, with oxygen maybe it can be more)
>>> 2014-07-25 5:53 GMT+04:00 邵德喜 <>:
>>> I see.You mean that  I should set CG steps as usual as we do structual
>>>> relaxation(foer example :500) during all the convergence tests .
>>>> And consider  kpoint grid convergence first with a reletive high value
>>>> of Meshcutoff.When it is done ,plot how it depends on FORCES from
>>>> the output file in the final convergency step .Then consider meshcutoff
>>>> convergence test with the convergency kpoint grid.
>>>> When the convergence tests is completed ,structual relaxation is also
>>>> completed,so I do not need to do structual relaxation additionally.
>>>> Is it all right?
>>>> Thanks for all your replay!
>>>> (  PS:  I‘m so sorry but the service is just out of work.I'll upload
>>>> my input fdf file as soon as it recovers.)
>>>> Dexi Shao
>>>> 2014-07-25 1:14 GMT+08:00 Максим Арсентьев <>:
>>>> Dear Dexi!
>>>>> You should not set nember of CG steps to zero - it is not necessary.
>>>>> You right that you should perform convergence of your property of 
>>>>> interest,
>>>>> but first structural relaxation is important as I suppose - maybe not in
>>>>> your case, but often it is so. So select high meshcutoff about 400-500 and
>>>>> vary density of kpoint grid and plot how it depends on FORCES. From this
>>>>> plot you will select kpoints, then take this kpoints fixed and vary
>>>>> meshcutoff to plot dependence on forces again. It is forces, not total
>>>>> energy are relevant for structural relaxation. Enter in google "graphene
>>>>> transiesta" and 1st link will help I believe.
>>>>> четверг, 24 июля 2014 г. пользователь 邵德喜 написал:
>>>>> Thanks very much.The unit is Ry.
>>>>>> I was told that when I get the original structure ,I should do
>>>>>> convergence tests first,structual relaxation comes second.
>>>>>> In my opinion ,do convergence test without structual relaxation I
>>>>>> should set CG step to zero.
>>>>>> problem1:I check the convergency (in terms of gradually increase
>>>>>> Meshcutoff)  of the total energy may be useless
>>>>>> because I was told "we should check the convergence not of the total
>>>>>> energy but of those properties which are relevant for our study in 
>>>>>> question
>>>>>> ".
>>>>>> But I just want to study the current-voltage relation ,it's expensive
>>>>>> for me to check the convergence of its transport property.
>>>>>> So I check the convergence of total energy instead opportunisticly.
>>>>>> The input.fdf file is as follows.
>>>>>> Thans for your replay.
>>>>>> Dexi Shao
>>>>>> 2014-07-24 18:22 GMT+08:00 Kanhao Xue <>:
>>>>>>> Dear Dexi,
>>>>>>> I wonder what is the unit of your Mesh cutoff? Is it in Ry?
>>>>>>> Siesta is using atomic orbital as the basis, which is quite
>>>>>>> different from plane-wave based codes like VASP. In plane-wave code, the
>>>>>>> plane wave cutoff energy directly determines your basis, and thus
>>>>>>> influences the result a lot.
>>>>>>> In Siesta we have the mesh cutoff concept. A large cutoff is
>>>>>>> required for accurate result. Usually for LDA, 250 Ry is sufficient and 
>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>> GGA 350 Ry is sufficient.
>>>>>>> In my opinion you do not need to go up to 600 Ry to check.
>>>>>>> However, indeed your energy changes too much with Mesh cutoff. Can
>>>>>>> you upload your input fdf file for more information?
>>>>>>> Kanhao
>>>>>>> On Thu, Jul 24, 2014 at 11:43 AM, 邵德喜 <> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Dear everyone:
>>>>>>>> I have  done the convergence test when I check the convergency (in
>>>>>>>> terms of gradually increase Meshcutoff)  of the total energy, I found 
>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>> the Total energy rise up when I increase the parameter of Meshcutoff
>>>>>>>> (please refer to the accesory) .Is it reasonable?
>>>>>>>> Ahy replay will be appreciated.
>>>>>>>> Dexi Shao
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Sincerely yours,
>>>>>>> Kanhao Xue
>>>>>>> Laboratoire de Réactivité et Chimie des Solides (LRCS)
>>>>>>> UMR CNRS 7314
>>>>>>> Université de Picardie Jules Verne
>>>>>>> 33 Rue Saint Leu, 80039 Amiens Cedex, France
>>>>> --
>>>>> Best wishes,
>>>>> Maxim Arsent'ev, D.Sc.(Chemistry)
>>>>> Laboratory of research of nanostructures
>>>>> Institute of Silicate Chemistry of RAS
>>> --
>>> Best wishes,
>>> Maxim Arsent'ev, D.Sc.(Chemistry)
>>> Laboratory of research of nanostructures
>>> Institute of Silicate Chemistry of RAS

Best wishes,
Maxim Arsent'ev, D.Sc.(Chemistry)
Laboratory of research of nanostructures
Institute of Silicate Chemistry of RAS

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