Dear siesta users,

I have installed siesta-trunk-515 using intel-check make file in Src/Sys.
*It is running without any error when I am not using U (Hubbard parameter)
but the moment I am giving the U parameter, it's aborting with an error
shown below. *
Can someone please help me in resolving the issue? I have tried all
possible ways I knew but I am not having any further clue.

*POLgen: Perturbative polarization orbital with L=  1POLgen: Polarization
orbital for state 4s   izeta = 1                     rc =
4.912997                 energy =    0.139983                kinetic =
0.923750    potential(screened) =   -0.783767       potential(ionic) =
-6.360530atom: Total number of Sankey-type orbitals: 15atm_pop: Valence
configuration (for local Pseudopot. screening): 4s(
2.00)                                                             4p(
0.00)                                                             3d(
6.00)                                                            Vna:
chval, zval:    8.00000   8.00000Vna:  Cut-off radius for the neutral-atom
potential:   4.912997atom:
PAO cut-off radius determined from anldau_proj_gen: energy shift =
0.050000 Ryldau_proj_gen: rco =  3.060618 Bohrforrtl: error (65): floating
invalidImage              PC                                Routine
       Line               Source             siesta
00000000006C2897      Unknown               Unknown
Unknownsiesta             00000000004CC843      Unknown
Unknown       Unknownsiesta             00000000005B4514
Unknown               Unknown        Unknownsiesta
0000000000DEFF27      Unknown              Unknown
Unknownsiesta             000000000040411C       Unknown
Unknown          00007F0CDA0B7C36
Unknown            Unknown        Unknownsiesta
0000000000404019       Unknown               Unknown      Unknown*

Here I am *attaching the arch.make file*.

I am looking forward for a help. Thanks in advance.


Anju Saroha
Research Scholar
Department of Physics
IIT Madras

Attachment: arch.make
Description: Binary data

Attachment: arch.make
Description: Binary data

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