On Jul 8, 2016 11:09 PM, "Arthur France-Lanord" <arthur.flan...@gmail.com>

> Hi Mahmood,
> Another possibility, if you are managing that rocks cluster, would be to
> propagate packages installed on the head node to the slave nodes. Basically
> you’d have to edit a new xml config file, and build a new rocks distro.
> See eg.
> http://www.rocksclusters.org/roll-documentation/base/5.4/customization-adding-packages.html
> arthur
> On 08 Jul 2016, at 17:44, Mahmood Naderan <mahmood...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi again,
> There are some problems with the linking the libraries for parallel
> execution. The system is based on ROCKS and if an MPI jobs is going to be
> run on the compute nodes, all libraries should be available on the nodes.
> Anyway...
> As another try, I am rebuilding siesta parallel by downloading the source
> codes of the dependent libraries and install them on the NFS folder which
> is shared between nodes (the previous approach uses the package manager of
> the head node; hence nodes are not aware of that libraries).
> Please correct the following if I am wrong.
> Siesta needs the following libraries for a parallel run:
>   OpenMPI
>   BLAS
> I have installed OpenMPI from source and it is fine. It seems that some of
> the above mentioned libraries are merged into others. For example,
> according to the release note of scalapack-2.0.0:
>   The BLACS is now part of ScaLAPACK, and is compiled into the
> ScaLAPACK library.  It is no longer necessary to link against BLACS
> libraries.
> After building Scalapack, I see libscalapack.a.
> Next, I downloaded LAPACK-3.6.1 and built it. The following libraries are
> built
>    liblapack.a
>    librefblas.a
>    libtmglib.a
> So, I think everything that I need are present.
> Now, consider the following section of arch.make of siesta
> #BLAS_LIBS=-lcblas -lf77blas -latlas
> BLAS_LIBS=libblas.a
> LAPACK_LIBS=dc_lapack.a liblapack.a
> #BLACS_LIBS=-lblacsCinit -lblacsF77init -lblacs
> SCALAPACK_LIBS=-lscalapack
> # Tricky business ...
> NETCDF_INCFLAGS= -I/usr/include
> NETCDF_LIBS= -lnetcdf -lnetcdff
> #NETCDF_INTERFACE=libnetcdf_f90.a
> ​​
> ​As I borrowed From Robert (RCP).
> I have to change those line, but I am not sure what to do. Here is my
> suggestion
> LAPACK_LIBS=liblapack.a librefblas.a libtmglib.a
> SCALAPACK_LIBS=libscalapack.a
> NETCDF_INCFLAGS= -I/usr/include
> NETCDF_LIBS= -lnetcdf -lnetcdff
> ​
> ​Any idea?​
> Regards,
> Mahmood

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