I wrote that part of Inelastica a few years ago. Without looking in the code I 
would say that the
“bond currents” are in units of transmission, i.e., in the low bias limit the 
current is given by
G0 I_ij V (Go: conductance quantum, I_ij: bond currents, and V: bias).
If you want you could divide it into orbital currents by changing the code 
without too much trouble.

As already said, adding them up over a plane separating the two leads should 
give the total transmission.

There are similar quantities calculated for IETS signals although those are 
more complicated to explain
since those depend on energy ...


Magnus Paulsson
Associate Professor
Dept. of Physics and Electrical Engineering
Linnaeus University
Phone: +46-480-446308
Mobile: +46-70-6942987

On 30 Aug 2016, at 09:19, Gabriele Penazzi 
<g.pena...@gmail.com<mailto:g.pena...@gmail.com>> wrote:

Hi Luk,

I jump in. You can define, instead of the bond currents, something like
a bond transmission. Such quantity, integrated on a plane, will give you
the total transmission (a good sanity check). Therefore it will not
depend on Vext and will be unitless. Some refers to it as transmission

I'm not familiar with Inelastica but from the formula this is what is
calculated there. If you look in the supplementary material of the
Nature Chemistry by G.Solomon you refer to in your first mail you can
find something along those lines (see eq.11 in suppl.mat.).

Anyway even though these object are very useful to get a physical
insight, you should be a bit careful in giving a strict physical
interpretation akin to current densities. As you see in the work from
Todorov, these quantities are, differently from the total current,
basis-dependent and therefore they are not uniquely defined.


On 08/29/2016 08:09 PM, Luk Keh wrote:
Dear Nick,

thanks for your reply, that paper was very insightful. I still have some
questions to get more understanding if you hopefully don't mind. So, in
the EigenChannels.py subroutine, the bond current for atoms (ij) is
calculated via 4 * pi * Im[H_ij * D_ji] where D is the DOS of the
considered electrode which is obtained by the resp. spectral function.
As I can see, this corresponds to eq. 100 or 101 (not sure here). In
both cases I don't see the prefactor G0 (G0*e) and for eq. 101, the
external bias Vext as prefactor misses too - which would yield zero bond
currents for Vext = 0. What I'm trying to understand is which unit the
bond currents have and why they exist for Vext = 0 which I tried out.

Thanks alot and best regards,

2016-08-29 16:42 GMT+02:00 Nick Papior 

   Sorry, it is the proxy used.


   2016-08-29 16:30 GMT+02:00 Luk Keh 

       Dear Nick,

       thanks for your instant reply. It seems that I need a login for
       the link you provided. Can you provide another mirror or the
       paper's title?

       Thanks alot,

       2016-08-29 16:18 GMT+02:00 Nick Papior 

           This paper is excellent in explaining the details concerning

           PS. In the next release of siesta, transiesta/tbtrans also
           enables the calculation of bond-currents.

           2016-08-29 16:11 GMT+02:00 Luk Keh 

               Dear users and developers,

               could somebody tell me which unit the 'bond currents' in
               the .curr files produced by Inelastica have? Are those
               in fact transmissions (since they don't vanish without
               bias, i.e. [f_L - f_R] = 0 => I_mn = 0) or actual
               currents (in Ampere)?
               Also I would like to know how those currents are
               calculated. I found some papers, e.g.
               but I'm not sure about this.

               Thanks and best regards,

           Kind regards Nick

   Kind regards Nick

Gabriele Penazzi
mobile: +49 (0) 151 19650383
skype: gabriele.penazzi

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