Hello SIESTA users,

I am facing a difficulty during while trying to fully relax a 32 atom
graphene like 2D system with and without a single vacancy, in the middle of
the srtucture.
A part of my input .fdf file is given below:

*DM.Tolerance          1.d-3DM.Require.Energy.Convergence
TDM.Energy.Tolerance   1.d-5 eVPAO.BasisSize     DZPPAO.EnergyShift   0.3
eVMD.TypeOfRun      CGMaxSCFIterations  3000MD.NumCGsteps
3000MD.VariableCell   TMD.MaxForceTol    0.02  eV/AngMeshCutoff        300
RyDM.MixingWeight   0.02DM.NumberPulay   3WriteCoorXmol
TWriteMullikenPop    0XC.functional       GGAXC.authors
PBESolutionMethod  diagonElectronicTemperature  300 K*
The lattice constant of the system, the bond length and bond angle used by
me has already been reported in a reputed journal, as a stable one. I have
not used any constraints in my structure. I have created a 4x4x1 supercell
using the reported dimensions and trying to optimize the structure with the
siesta code version 3.2-pl-5. The problem I am facing is that the optimized
structure is no longer of the symmetry I started with. The structure is no
longer a hexagonal honeycomb one anymore.
Also while using a vacancy defect in the structure the atoms are getting
asymmetrically arranged breaking any symmetry that was present there.
Now my question is, are there any more parameters that I should have
specified in the input .fdf file?
Or, will a change in the .psf file can bring about any improvement in the
Also, if I apply some constraints like fixing the bond angles or that my
structure should relax only in a single plane, then how can I say that all
the atoms in my structure are FULLY relaxed?

Please kindly help me in this regard. I feel like I am missing some
important parameter in my .fdf file.
Thank you.

Sunetra Das.

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