Dear Alex,

You are hitting an internal limit in the size of the radial function registry 
If you have access to the code, you can change the line

  integer, parameter :: nmax_funcs = 300

in ‘Src/matel_registry.F90’ to make the parameter ‘nmax_funcs’ larger, and 

In a forthcoming version the pool will be made dynamically resizable.

  Best regards,


> On 12 Feb 2019, at 11:57, Alejandro Martín <> wrote:
> Dear siesta users,
> I am struggling with a "Overflow in registry" message in siesta/4.1-b3
> version
> when I try to run a calculation with these atom species:
> NumberOfSpecies         11
> NumberOfAtoms           697
> NetCharge               0
> %block ChemicalSpeciesLabel
>     1    29  Cu
>     2     6  C
>     3     1  H
>     4     8  O
>     5     9  F
>     6     7  N
>     7    53  I
>     8    16  S
>     9    26  Fe
>    10    31  Ga
>    11    49  In
> %endblock ChemicalSpeciesLabel
> The calculation runs if I reduce the number of species (erasing some
> atoms) and if
> I use some ghost atoms. I tried to increase the memory available in the
> calculation
> but the message remains. In fact, I have run calculations with more
> electrons so I should
> not be the problem.
> Thank you very much,
> Cheers,
> Alex

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