Dear sir/ma'am
I am trying to generate the potential plot using macroave and for that I
have taken the .XV file and made it to run it with the file.
But there are some queries that I have not understood regarding the file. And I would be very glad if any one could help me in this

1. In the fourth line of file we need to mention how many step
functions we need to smooth. And I am working on a bilayer system so I wish
to know whether I should take surface or interface calculation in this
regard (appeded below is the fdf file of the calculation that I am
running). What would be the case for trilayer system?

2. In the Fifth and Sixth line of file we need to mention the
width of the two functions like planar lattice spacing. I am not able to
understand what quantity it is asking. Should I specify the the interlayer
distance? what should be these values for my input given below? What would
be the case for multilayer system? and if the system has buckling, then how
should I chose these values?

3.In the 7th line, of file we need to specify the number of
electrons in the slab. Here I wanted to know that suppose I am working on a
carbon based bilayer system, do I need to take the valence electrons or all
the 6 electrons and multiply it with the number of carbon atoms on each

4. And  in running the macroave calculation, I am getting two generated
files with the calculation with extensions MAV and PAV. what is the
difference between macroscopic average and the planar average files?

appended below is the fdf file

 # System Descriptor
 SystemName Au-m-GGA
 SystemLabel   Au-m-GGA

 NumberOfAtoms                36
 NumberOfSpecies               1

 %block Chemical_Species_Label
 1      6     C
 %endblock Chemical_Species_Label

 %block PAO.BasisSizes
C       DZP
 %endblock PAO.BasisSizes

 AtomicCoordinatesFormat Ang
 AtomicCoorFormatOut     Ang

 %block AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies
    2.73256850    4.73073748    8.34901293   1       1  C
    0.33859744    0.58458484    8.34912362   1       2  C
   -0.85804026    2.65775355    8.34874884   1       3  C
    3.92917251    2.65751886    8.34898485   1       4  C
    2.73233932    0.58476470    8.34903393   1       5  C
    0.33877634    4.73053116    8.34871091   1       6  C
    0.82428376    1.42604781    9.53348231   1       7  C
    0.11321792    2.65772943    9.53337950   1       8  C
    2.95787834    2.65763647    9.53348398   1       9  C
    2.24672706    1.42590432    9.53355328   1      10  C
    0.82436502    3.88944295    9.53333025   1      11  C
    2.24666573    3.88939178    9.53337329   1      12  C
    0.82483542    3.88883163    7.16411390   1      13  C
    2.24657899    3.88894521    7.16435350   1      14  C
    2.24653140    1.42631958    7.16432757   1      15  C
    2.95739219    2.65752906    7.16429019   1      16  C
    0.11396438    2.65763067    7.16415136   1      17  C
    0.82463967    1.42629661    7.16443629   1      18  C
    2.73291473    4.73053968   14.14109530   1      19  C
    0.33894801    0.58439532   14.14115704   1      20  C
   -0.85769340    2.65763741   14.14124979   1      21  C
    3.92955252    2.65738270   14.14146264   1      22  C
    2.73272063    0.58460272   14.14145918   1      23  C
    0.33914193    4.73040180   14.14121034   1      24  C
    0.82486919    1.42621461   15.32582034   1      25  C
    0.11415085    2.65758543   15.32595201   1      26  C
    2.95757515    2.65747612   15.32604007   1      27  C
    2.24668741    1.42628537   15.32605337   1      28  C
    0.82500484    3.88880084   15.32591913   1      29  C
    2.24685285    3.88886448   15.32578554   1      30  C
    0.82480401    3.88921354   12.95669401   1      31  C
    2.24717950    3.88910615   12.95674799   1      32  C
    2.24716059    1.42567539   12.95683394   1      33  C
    2.95832448    2.65739945   12.95681228   1      34  C
    0.11365578    2.65750271   12.95674170   1      35  C
    0.82477007    1.42578489   12.95679594   1      36  C
 %endblock AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies
 LatticeConstant    1.00 Ang

 %block LatticeVectors
        6.138500    0.000081    0.000273
       -3.068830    5.316279   -0.000326
        0.001847   -0.001238   22.490288
 %endblock LatticeVectors
  %block kgrid_Monkhorst_Pack
 10   0   0 0.0
 0   10   0 0.0
 0    0   2 0.0
 %endblock kgrid_Monkhorst_Pack

 XC.functional           VDW
 XC.authors              LMKLL
 SpinPolarized           .true.
 MeshCutoff              320. Ry
 MaxSCFIterations        300
 DM.MixingWeight         0.05
 DM.Tolerance            5.d-5
 DM.NumberPulay          5
 SolutionMethod          diagon
 ElectronicTemperature   300 K
 MD.TypeOfRun            cg
 MD.VariableCell         .true.
 MD.NumCGsteps           800
 MD.MaxForceTol          0.01 eV/Ang

 WriteCoorXmol           .true.
 WriteKpoints            .true.
 WriteEigenvalues        .true.
 WriteKbands             .true.
 WriteBands              .true.
 WriteMullikenPop        1
 WriteMDCoorXmol         .false.
 WriteMDhistory          .false.
 MD.UseSaveXV            .true.
 SaveElectrostaticPotential .true.
 WriteSiestaDim          .true.
 SaveHS                  .true.

On Sat, Aug 29, 2020 at 1:30 AM Boubacar Traore <>

> Hi,
> For this,  you need to activate this tag "SaveElectrostaticPotential" to
> true for siesta to generate the total electrostatic potential file named
> SystemLabel.VH. Then you use siesta utility "macroave" from Util/macroave
> directory to plot the variation of the potential along the layers.
> Best,
> Boubacar
> On Wed, 26 Aug 2020 at 22:00, Harkishan Dua <> wrote:
>> Dear Sir/Ma’am
>> I am new to siesta, and I wish to find the variation of potential in a
>> bilayer system with respect to the distance between the layers. Could you
>> please tell me how I can do that with siesta? I wish to generate a plot
>> similar to the one attached along with this mail which was reported in the
>> paper
>> --
>> SIESTA is supported by the Spanish Research Agency (AEI) and by the
>> European H2020 MaX Centre of Excellence (
> --
> SIESTA is supported by the Spanish Research Agency (AEI) and by the
> European H2020 MaX Centre of Excellence (
SIESTA is supported by the Spanish Research Agency (AEI) and by the European 
H2020 MaX Centre of Excellence (

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