Dear SIESTA users and developers,

We are pleased to announce Siesta 4.1.5, a production-level
release in the 4.1 branch, which introduced, among others, the
following new features:

- N-electrode TranSiesta with much improved performance.
- New solver options (including ELPA, enabling GPU acceleration).
- DFT+U.
- Spin-orbit coupling (in the on-site approximation).
- Gate support.
- More mixing and constraints options.
- Lua scripting.
- Improved utilities, including a rewrite of TBtrans.

If you were using a beta version in the 4.1 branch, or any of the
older 4.0.X versions, you are highly encouraged to update to 4.1.5.

The release can be found in

Please read the Release Notes shipped with the sources, which may also be found 

Note in particular the BACKWARD COMPATIBILITY ISSUES sections in the
Release Notes for some important issues regarding backwards
compatibility with prior versions.

See the file REPORTING_BUGS in the Docs/ directory of the distribution
for instructions on how to report bugs and suggestions.

General information about Siesta can be found on its web page:

and further information about the different versions offered in:

Best wishes,

Dr. José María Escartín Esteban
Senior SIESTA Developer

Theory and Simulation Group
Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2)
ICN2 building, UAB Campus, Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès),
08193 Barcelona, Spain
SIESTA is supported by the Spanish Research Agency (AEI) and by the European 
H2020 MaX Centre of Excellence (

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