Dear Ziba,it seems that you are randomly trying different options.Try to be 
more systematic.MeshCutoff of 870 Ry seems to be an overkill -but certainly not 
an error; if your tests show that you need as much as that, so be it.Did you 
have a look at your structures with visualisation tools - is everything as it 
should be, no obvious structure error?If your imaginary frequency is genuine 
and reproducible,I'd look at the eigenvector of this mode, give a small 
displacementto atoms along this eigenvector, and make the relaxation again. The 
total energy ought to be lower than in your initial starting point;this is the 
idea of an imaginary frequency: you displace the atomswithin the corresponding 
mode, and the energy goes down.Hence you were not at the equilibrium; try 
better.No way around.Best regardsAndrei Postnikov
----- Ziba Torkashvand <> a écrit :
Thank you Professor Postnikov,Here I will provide two examples of my workI have 
a hexagonal structure containing 18 atoms1. I have substituted one atom with a 
gaseous one and relaxed it up to 0.000794 eV/A and 0.00458798  kBarthen I 
calculated the phonon and fortunately, there is no negative frequency while the 
force for the first step is approximated as 0.008174 eV/A
2. I have substituted two atoms with two gaseous ones and relaxed it up to 
0.000549 eV/A and 0.00290065  kBarthen I calculated the phonon and 
unfortunately, there are frequencies as -206.30292747012965 while the force for 
the first step is approximated as 0.015862 eV/A
For both cases, I have used same inputs asFor relaxation:MeshCutoff    870 Ry
DM.MixingWeight         0.02
DM.NumberPulay       3
%block kgrid_Monkhorst_Pack
6   0   0   0.0
0   6   0   0.0
0   0   1   0.0
%endblock kgrid_Monkhorst_Pack

For phonon: MeshCutoff    750 Ry
DM.MixingWeight         0.02
DM.NumberPulay       8
%block kgrid_Monkhorst_Pack
3   0   0   0.0
0   3   0   0.0
0   0   1   0.0
%endblock kgrid_Monkhorst_Pack

I repeated phonon calculation for the second case with %block 
6   0   0   0.0
0   6   0   0.0
0   0   1   0.0
%endblock kgrid_Monkhorst_Pack
and the resulting force for the first step is 0.013928 eV/A
I'm confused about what is happening in these two similar examples.
SIESTA is supported by the Spanish Research Agency (AEI) and by the European 
H2020 MaX Centre of Excellence (

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