Hi, All

I have the following flags in the input: section for TBT :

TBT.DOS.A.All true
TS.SolutionMethod btd
TS.BTD.Pivot atom+rev-CM+Left

%block TBT.k
diag 3 3 1

%block TBT.Contours
%endblock TBT.Contours
%block TBT.Contour.line
part line
from -15. eV to 10. eV
delta 0.02 eV
method mid-rule
%endblock TBT.Contour.line
TBT.T.Bulk true
TBT.DOS.Elecs true
TBT.T.Eig 5
TBT.T.All true
TBT.T.Out true
TBT.Symmetry.TimeReversal false
TBT.Current.Orb  true

However, the code does not yield "the equivalent eigenvalue files" for  TBT.T.Eig   true
Nor the *.nc files for spin_UP/DN
Here I list the TBT output files I get:

 195116 Feb 12 18:54 scat.TBT.CC <http://scat.TBT.CC>
 350488 Feb 12 19:19 scat.TBT_DN.ADOS_Left
 350488 Feb 12 19:19 scat.TBT_DN.ADOS_Right
  70103 Feb 12 19:19 scat.TBT_DN.AVADOS_Left
  70103 Feb 12 19:19 scat.TBT_DN.AVADOS_Right
  70074 Feb 12 19:19 scat.TBT_DN.AVTRANS_Left-Right
 350459 Feb 12 19:19 scat.TBT_DN.TRANS_Left-Right
    297 Feb 12 18:54 scat.TBT.KP <http://scat.TBT.KP>
 350488 Feb 12 19:06 scat.TBT_UP.ADOS_Left
 350488 Feb 12 19:06 scat.TBT_UP.ADOS_Right
  70103 Feb 12 19:06 scat.TBT_UP.AVADOS_Left
  70103 Feb 12 19:06 scat.TBT_UP.AVADOS_Right
  70074 Feb 12 19:06 scat.TBT_UP.AVTRANS_Left-Right
 350459 Feb 12 19:06 scat.TBT_UP.TRANS_Left-Right

What is wrong/missing in my TBT input ?

Thank you for your comments,

On 3/11/22 07:36, Nick Papior wrote:
Please see my response 2 days ago, it seems that you are missing flags in the input file.


On Thu, 10 Mar 2022, 22:02 Neculai PLUGARU, <neculai.plug...@imt.ro> wrote:

    Hi, Nick

    Thank you, very much, for the checks and your time.

    1) your scat.fdf does not ask for transmission eigenvalues. I.e. I
    can't find TBT.T.Eig in scat.fdf, this is also reflected in
    tbt.out which lists 0 transmission eigenvalues should be
    calculated. So nothing wrong there.

    Absolutely correct. The meaning of this piece of information was
    to show that without specifications for additional data, 
    particularly TBT.T.EIG, the code works alright.
    2) your scat-dn and scat-up. The output of the tbtrans runs
    tbt-dn.out and tbt-up.out have these lines:


    Correct. This happens when one follows the discussion since 2017,
    trying to perform two calculations (but using TBT 4.1.5) for
    spin_UP/DN. The code produces the (empty)
    scat.TBT_UP/DN.CEIG_Left   files and huge scat.TBT_UP/DN.nc files.
    It has been just a test of that approach, it failed and this is
    understandable because it is a different version. Now, just to
    complete the information, this is what one gets with TBT 4.1.5 
    when using the attached scat.fdf input asking for specific output
    data (I also attach the tbt.out)

      195116 Feb 12 18:54 scat.TBT.CC <http://scat.TBT.CC>
      350488 Feb 12 19:19 scat.TBT_DN.ADOS_Left
      350488 Feb 12 19:19 scat.TBT_DN.ADOS_Right
       70103 Feb 12 19:19 scat.TBT_DN.AVADOS_Left
       70103 Feb 12 19:19 scat.TBT_DN.AVADOS_Right
       70074 Feb 12 19:19 scat.TBT_DN.AVTRANS_Left-Right
      350459 Feb 12 19:19 scat.TBT_DN.TRANS_Left-Right
         297 Feb 12 18:54 scat.TBT.KP <http://scat.TBT.KP>
      350488 Feb 12 19:06 scat.TBT_UP.ADOS_Left
      350488 Feb 12 19:06 scat.TBT_UP.ADOS_Right
       70103 Feb 12 19:06 scat.TBT_UP.AVADOS_Left
       70103 Feb 12 19:06 scat.TBT_UP.AVADOS_Right
       70074 Feb 12 19:06 scat.TBT_UP.AVTRANS_Left-Right
      350459 Feb 12 19:06 scat.TBT_UP.TRANS_Left-Right

    Still, no output for

    as well as for SystemLabel.TBT_UP/DN.nc files, although tbt.out
    says that the job was executed without error.

    I have just completed the ts_graphene test in the 4.1.5 release in
    a spin-polarized configuration with transmission eigenvalues, and
    everything seems correctly written.

    Please, is there anything wrong in the here-attached *fdf file
    comparing with your input for the spin polarized graphene input ?

    Thank you, very much, for your comments and suggestion wrt the
    compilation of TBT when using intel compilers; I have had
    painstaking experiences in the past with that. I will ask the
    system administrator to recompile the code paying more attention
    to the optimization flags, indeed.

     Kind regards,


    On 3/9/22 14:15, Nick Papior wrote:

    This is what I can find:

    1) your scat.fdf does not ask for transmission eigenvalues. I.e.
    I can't find TBT.T.Eig in scat.fdf, this is also reflected in
    tbt.out which lists 0 transmission eigenvalues should be
    calculated. So nothing wrong there.

    2) your scat-dn and scat-up. The output of the tbtrans runs
    tbt-dn.out and tbt-up.out have these lines:
    =   RANK 46 PID 17638 RUNNING AT imt01
    =   KILLED BY SIGNAL: 9 (Killed)

    indicating a prematurely ending job. Always check whether your
    jobs are done. That information could be of a number of reasons
    that I don't have any knowledge about.
    Sometimes intel compilers are extremely aggressive in
    optimizations, and this could be what is causing problems. Try
    lowering the optimization level, or ask the admins on your
    cluster why the jobs ended prematurely.

    I have just completed the ts_graphene test in the 4.1.5 release
    in a spin-polarized configuration with transmission eigenvalues,
    and everything seems correctly written.

    / Nick

    Den man. 7. mar. 2022 kl. 17.32 skrev Neculai PLUGARU

        Hello, Nick

        Thank you for your help. I have delayed my message because I
        have made several tests to be more explicit about the
        problems I face with TBT 4.1.5. So, here are the answers to
        your questions:

        1) I attach my input files; now there are three of them,
        because I found and followed this discussion since
        2017-01-24, regarding TBT 4.1-b3,  and somehow the present
        situation with TBT 4.1.5 is similar, but still different.

         "spin polarized tbtrans calculation"

        In my calculations of the eigen channels, the first one
        (denoted here below scat-up) stops after producing the files
        for the spin UP. Then, in an independent TBT calculation,
        scat-dn, with the line

        TBT.Spin 2

        included in *fdf, one obtains all the files for the spin-DOWN
        However, the code gives the output for both spin channels
        (but not the files mentioned in my first message) in the case
        that one does not specify in the input the request for the
        eigen channels and other data,( this is calculation denoted

        2) I also attach the tbt.out files, for conformity;

        3) Below, I list the files generated by TBtrans 4.1.5 for the
        two independent calculations spin-up/spin-dn, as well as for
        the calculation without the TBT.T.Eig 5, and other
        supplimentary lines.

               195116 Mar  7 10:17 scat.TBT.CC <http://scat.TBT.CC>
                  529 Mar  7 10:17 scat.TBT.KP
               630796 Mar  7 11:58 scat.TBT_UP.ADOS_Left
                70103 Mar  7 11:58 scat.TBT_UP.AVADOS_Left
                70070 Mar  7 11:58 scat.TBT_UP.AVBDOS_Left
                70079 Mar  7 11:58 scat.TBT_UP.AVBTRANS_Left
                70089 Mar  7 11:58 scat.TBT_UP.AVCORR_Left
               630763 Mar  7 11:58 scat.TBT_UP.BDOS_Left
               630772 Mar  7 11:58 scat.TBT_UP.BTRANS_Left
                  178 Mar  7 11:58 scat.TBT_UP.CEIG_Left
               630782 Mar  7 11:58 scat.TBT_UP.CORR_Left
         745686907872 Mar  7 11:58 scat.TBT_UP.nc

                78116 Mar  7 14:29 scat.TBT.CC <http://scat.TBT.CC>
               252796 Mar  7 15:11 scat.TBT_DN.ADOS_Left
                28103 Mar  7 15:11 scat.TBT_DN.AVADOS_Left
                28070 Mar  7 15:11 scat.TBT_DN.AVBDOS_Left
                28079 Mar  7 15:11 scat.TBT_DN.AVBTRANS_Left
                28089 Mar  7 15:11 scat.TBT_DN.AVCORR_Left
               252763 Mar  7 15:11 scat.TBT_DN.BDOS_Left
               252772 Mar  7 15:11 scat.TBT_DN.BTRANS_Left
                  178 Mar  7 15:11 scat.TBT_DN.CEIG_Left
               252782 Mar  7 15:11 scat.TBT_DN.CORR_Left
         298284813762 Mar  7 15:11 scat.TBT_DN.nc
                  529 Mar  7 14:29 scat.TBT.KP
             195116 Feb 11 06:11 scat.TBT.CC <http://scat.TBT.CC>
             350488 Feb 11 06:36 scat.TBT_DN.ADOS_Left
             350488 Feb 11 06:36 scat.TBT_DN.ADOS_Right
              70103 Feb 11 06:36 scat.TBT_DN.AVADOS_Left
              70103 Feb 11 06:36 scat.TBT_DN.AVADOS_Right
              70074 Feb 11 06:36 scat.TBT_DN.AVTRANS_Left-Right
          225823297 Feb 11 06:36 scat.TBT_DN.nc
             350459 Feb 11 06:36 scat.TBT_DN.TRANS_Left-Right
                297 Feb 11 06:11 scat.TBT.KP
             350488 Feb 11 06:24 scat.TBT_UP.ADOS_Left
             350488 Feb 11 06:24 scat.TBT_UP.ADOS_Right
              70103 Feb 11 06:24 scat.TBT_UP.AVADOS_Left
              70103 Feb 11 06:24 scat.TBT_UP.AVADOS_Right
              70074 Feb 11 06:24 scat.TBT_UP.AVTRANS_Left-Right
          225823295 Feb 11 06:24 scat.TBT_UP.nc
             350459 Feb 11 06:24 scat.TBT_UP.TRANS_Left-Right

        I have also tested the example for graphene (spin unpolarized
        calculation) and it produced all required output, without error.
        I hope these information can be useful for you to detect
        either what I miss or has to be fixed in TBT.

        Kind regards,


        On 3/4/22 23:27, Nick Papior wrote:

        1) what is your input file
        2) what does the top 10 lines of the tbtrans output say?
        3) do you have the netcdf file SystemLabel.TBT.nc
        present in your calculation folder?

        Den fre. 4. mar. 2022 kl. 22.07 skrev Neculai PLUGARU

            Dear SIESTA Community

            I use SIESTA 4.1.5 and the associated TS and TBT.
            TBtrans was compiled following the instructions in the
            TBtrans manual, using NETCDF-4 and MKL libs.

            I want to calculate the eigen channels for the
            transmission matrix for a spin-polarized system. For
            that purpose we have set the following flags in the TBT

            TBT.Verbosity 8
            TBT.T.Bulk true
            TBT.T.All true
            TBT.T.Eig  true
            TBT.T.Eig 5
            TBT.T.Out true
            TBT.Symmetry.TimeReversal F
            TBT.Current.Orb  true

            But the TBT calculation does not provide the files


            Is the information in these files listed only in the 
            netcdf format (*.nc files) ?

            Thank you for your help,
            Dr. Neculai Plugaru
            National Institute for R&D in Microtechnologies
            Simulation, Modelling and Computer-Aided Design -
            Laboratory L5
            126A, Erou Iancu Nicolae Street, 077190, Ilfov
            Bucharest, ROMANIA

            E-mail: neculai.plug...@imt.ro
            Tel:  +4021 269 0777

-- SIESTA is supported by the Spanish Research Agency (AEI)
            and by the European H2020 MaX Centre of Excellence

-- Kind regards Nick

-- Kind regards Nick

-- SIESTA is supported by the Spanish Research Agency (AEI) and by
    the European H2020 MaX Centre of Excellence
SIESTA is supported by the Spanish Research Agency (AEI) and by the European 
H2020 MaX Centre of Excellence (http://www.max-centre.eu/)

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