Great it got sorted out!

On Tue, 15 Mar 2022, 10:30 Neculai PLUGARU, <> wrote:

> Dear Nick, Dear All
> I wish to thank you  for your great help in finding out what went wrong in
> my calculations with TBT 4.1.5, on large, spin polarized systems, (about
> 400 atoms). The tests cost me about 10 days  and lots of worries. (being an
> inexperienced SIESTA user, obviously).
> Well, the explanation has proven to be  the compilation of the code - as
> you pointed out in a previous reply. After a careful compilation with  the
> libraries stated in the manual:
> Loading Siesta/4.1.5-intel-2021a
> Loading requirement: GCCcore/10.3.0 zlib/1.2.11-GCCcore-10.3.0
> binutils/2.36.1-GCCcore-10.3.0 intel-compilers/2021.2.0
> numactl/2.0.14-GCCcore-10.3.0 UCX/1.10.0-GCCcore-10.3.0
> impi/2021.2.0-intel-compilers-2021.2.0 iimpi/2021a
> imkl/2021.2.0iimpi-2021a
> intel/2021a Szip/2.1.1-GCCcore-10.3.0 HDF5/1.10.7-iimpi-2021a OpenSSL/1.1
> cURL/7.76.0-GCCcore-10.3.0 netCDF/4.8.0-iimpi-2021a
> netCDF-Fortran/4.5.3-iimpi-2021a METIS/5.1.0-GCCcore-10.3.0
> ELPA/2021.05.001-intel-2021a
> ---
> the code works perfectly. The first lines of TNTrans.out are:
> TBtrans Version: 4.1.5
> Architecture  : unknown
> Compiler flags: mpiifort -fPIC -O2 -xHost -fp-model precise
> PP flags      : -DFC_HAVE_ABORT -DF2003 -DMPI -DCDF -DNCDF -DNCDF_4
> -DNCDF_PARALLEL -I/cm/shaared/apps/
> Libraries     : libncdf.a libfdict.a -Wl,-Bstatic -Wl,--start-group
> -lmkl_scalapack_lp64 -lmkkl_blacs_i
> PARALLEL version
> NetCDF support
> NetCDF-4 support
> NetCDF-4 MPI-IO support
> METIS ordering support
> * Running on 48 nodes in parallel
> >> Start of run:  14-MAR-2022  15:13:47
>                           ************************
>                           *  WELCOME TO TBtrans  *
>                           ************************
> ...
> ---
> and thereafter the code produces all files in the output that were
> required in the TBT input, here below is an example.
> I hope that other users may find the information useful.
> Kind regards,
> Neculai
> ---
>         48866 Mar 14 13:56 scat.TBT.CC
>        158296 Mar 14 14:49 scat.TBT_DN.ADOS_Left
>        158296 Mar 14 14:49 scat.TBT_DN.ADOS_Right
>         17603 Mar 14 14:49 scat.TBT_DN.AVADOS_Left
>         17603 Mar 14 14:49 scat.TBT_DN.AVADOS_Right
>         17570 Mar 14 14:49 scat.TBT_DN.AVBDOS_Left
>         17570 Mar 14 14:49 scat.TBT_DN.AVBDOS_Right
>         17579 Mar 14 14:49 scat.TBT_DN.AVBTRANS_Left
>         17579 Mar 14 14:49 scat.TBT_DN.AVBTRANS_Right
>         57601 Mar 14 14:49 scat.TBT_DN.AVCEIG_Left
>         57601 Mar 14 14:49 scat.TBT_DN.AVCEIG_Right
>         17589 Mar 14 14:49 scat.TBT_DN.AVCORR_Left
>         17589 Mar 14 14:49 scat.TBT_DN.AVCORR_Right
>         57586 Mar 14 14:49 scat.TBT_DN.AVTEIG_Left-Right
>         57586 Mar 14 14:49 scat.TBT_DN.AVTEIG_Right-Left
>         17574 Mar 14 14:49 scat.TBT_DN.AVTRANS_Left-Left
>         17574 Mar 14 14:49 scat.TBT_DN.AVTRANS_Left-Right
>         17574 Mar 14 14:49 scat.TBT_DN.AVTRANS_Right-Left
>         17574 Mar 14 14:49 scat.TBT_DN.AVTRANS_Right-Right
>        158263 Mar 14 14:49 scat.TBT_DN.BDOS_Left
>        158263 Mar 14 14:49 scat.TBT_DN.BDOS_Right
>        158272 Mar 14 14:49 scat.TBT_DN.BTRANS_Left
>        158272 Mar 14 14:49 scat.TBT_DN.BTRANS_Right
>        518294 Mar 14 14:49 scat.TBT_DN.CEIG_Left
>        518294 Mar 14 14:49 scat.TBT_DN.CEIG_Right
>        158282 Mar 14 14:49 scat.TBT_DN.CORR_Left
>        158282 Mar 14 14:49 scat.TBT_DN.CORR_Right
>  186434408061 Mar 14 14:49
>        518279 Mar 14 14:49 scat.TBT_DN.TEIG_Left-Right
>        518279 Mar 14 14:49 scat.TBT_DN.TEIG_Right-Left
>        158267 Mar 14 14:49 scat.TBT_DN.TRANS_Left-Left
>        158267 Mar 14 14:49 scat.TBT_DN.TRANS_Left-Right
>        158267 Mar 14 14:49 scat.TBT_DN.TRANS_Right-Left
>        158267 Mar 14 14:49 scat.TBT_DN.TRANS_Right-Right
>           529 Mar 14 13:56 scat.TBT.KP
>        158296 Mar 14 14:22 scat.TBT_UP.ADOS_Left
>        158296 Mar 14 14:22 scat.TBT_UP.ADOS_Right
>         17603 Mar 14 14:22 scat.TBT_UP.AVADOS_Left
>         17603 Mar 14 14:22 scat.TBT_UP.AVADOS_Right
>         17570 Mar 14 14:22 scat.TBT_UP.AVBDOS_Left
>         17570 Mar 14 14:22 scat.TBT_UP.AVBDOS_Right
>         17579 Mar 14 14:22 scat.TBT_UP.AVBTRANS_Left
>         17579 Mar 14 14:22 scat.TBT_UP.AVBTRANS_Right
>         57601 Mar 14 14:22 scat.TBT_UP.AVCEIG_Left
>         57601 Mar 14 14:22 scat.TBT_UP.AVCEIG_Right
>         17589 Mar 14 14:22 scat.TBT_UP.AVCORR_Left
>         17589 Mar 14 14:22 scat.TBT_UP.AVCORR_Right
>         57586 Mar 14 14:22 scat.TBT_UP.AVTEIG_Left-Right
>         57586 Mar 14 14:22 scat.TBT_UP.AVTEIG_Right-Left
>         17574 Mar 14 14:22 scat.TBT_UP.AVTRANS_Left-Left
>         17574 Mar 14 14:22 scat.TBT_UP.AVTRANS_Left-Right
>         17574 Mar 14 14:22 scat.TBT_UP.AVTRANS_Right-Left
>         17574 Mar 14 14:22 scat.TBT_UP.AVTRANS_Right-Right
>        158263 Mar 14 14:22 scat.TBT_UP.BDOS_Left
>        158263 Mar 14 14:22 scat.TBT_UP.BDOS_Right
>        158272 Mar 14 14:22 scat.TBT_UP.BTRANS_Left
>        158272 Mar 14 14:22 scat.TBT_UP.BTRANS_Right
>        518294 Mar 14 14:22 scat.TBT_UP.CEIG_Left
>        518294 Mar 14 14:22 scat.TBT_UP.CEIG_Right
>        158282 Mar 14 14:22 scat.TBT_UP.CORR_Left
>        158282 Mar 14 14:22 scat.TBT_UP.CORR_Right
>  186434408059 Mar 14 14:22
>        518279 Mar 14 14:22 scat.TBT_UP.TEIG_Left-Right
>        518279 Mar 14 14:22 scat.TBT_UP.TEIG_Right-Left
>        158267 Mar 14 14:22 scat.TBT_UP.TRANS_Left-Left
>        158267 Mar 14 14:22 scat.TBT_UP.TRANS_Left-Right
>        158267 Mar 14 14:22 scat.TBT_UP.TRANS_Right-Left
>        158267 Mar 14 14:22 scat.TBT_UP.TRANS_Right-Right
> ---
> On 3/11/22 15:08, Nick Papior wrote:
> Hi,
> And could you attach the input and output again... The last output clearly
> showed that you had not put those flags in. So I am guessing you are doing
> the same thing again....
> Please, always attach input and output!
> And you write something about tbt.t.eig true which does not make sense...
> As I suggested previously, please check the output to see if it will write
> the things requested, when you attach the output, could you comment on the
> output and your interpretation of what it says about transmission
> eigenvalues etc.
> On Fri, 11 Mar 2022, 09:39 Neculai PLUGARU, <>
> wrote:
>> Hi, All
>> I have the following flags in the input: section for TBT :
>>  ...
>> TBT.DOS.A.All true
>> TS.SolutionMethod btd
>> TS.BTD.Pivot atom+rev-CM+Left
>> %block TBT.k
>> diag 3 3 1
>> %endblock
>> %block TBT.Contours
>> line
>> %endblock TBT.Contours
>> %block TBT.Contour.line
>> part line
>> from -15. eV to 10. eV
>> delta 0.02 eV
>> method mid-rule
>> %endblock TBT.Contour.line
>> TBT.T.Bulk true
>> TBT.DOS.Elecs true
>> TBT.T.Eig 5
>> TBT.T.All true
>> TBT.T.Out true
>> TBT.Symmetry.TimeReversal false
>> TBT.Current.Orb  true
>> However, the code does not yield "the equivalent eigenvalue files" for
>> TBT.T.Eig   true
>> Nor the *.nc files for spin_UP/DN
>> Here I list the TBT output files I get:
>>  195116 Feb 12 18:54 scat.TBT.CC
>>  350488 Feb 12 19:19 scat.TBT_DN.ADOS_Left
>>  350488 Feb 12 19:19 scat.TBT_DN.ADOS_Right
>>   70103 Feb 12 19:19 scat.TBT_DN.AVADOS_Left
>>   70103 Feb 12 19:19 scat.TBT_DN.AVADOS_Right
>>   70074 Feb 12 19:19 scat.TBT_DN.AVTRANS_Left-Right
>>  350459 Feb 12 19:19 scat.TBT_DN.TRANS_Left-Right
>>     297 Feb 12 18:54 scat.TBT.KP
>>  350488 Feb 12 19:06 scat.TBT_UP.ADOS_Left
>>  350488 Feb 12 19:06 scat.TBT_UP.ADOS_Right
>>   70103 Feb 12 19:06 scat.TBT_UP.AVADOS_Left
>>   70103 Feb 12 19:06 scat.TBT_UP.AVADOS_Right
>>   70074 Feb 12 19:06 scat.TBT_UP.AVTRANS_Left-Right
>>  350459 Feb 12 19:06 scat.TBT_UP.TRANS_Left-Right
>> What is wrong/missing in my TBT input ?
>> Thank you for your comments,
>> Neculai
>> On 3/11/22 07:36, Nick Papior wrote:
>> Please see my response 2 days ago, it seems that you are missing flags in
>> the input file.
>> /Nick
>> On Thu, 10 Mar 2022, 22:02 Neculai PLUGARU, <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi, Nick
>>> Thank you, very much, for the checks and your time.
>>> 1) your scat.fdf does not ask for transmission eigenvalues. I.e. I can't
>>> find TBT.T.Eig in scat.fdf, this is also reflected in tbt.out which lists 0
>>> transmission eigenvalues should be calculated. So nothing wrong there.
>>> Absolutely correct. The meaning of this piece of information was to show
>>> that without specifications for additional data,  particularly TBT.T.EIG,
>>> the code works alright.
>>> 2) your scat-dn and scat-up. The output of the tbtrans runs tbt-dn.out
>>> and tbt-up.out have these lines:
>>> ===================================================================================
>>> ....
>>> Correct. This happens when one follows the discussion since 2017, trying
>>> to perform two calculations (but using TBT 4.1.5) for spin_UP/DN. The code
>>> produces the (empty) scat.TBT_UP/DN.CEIG_Left   files and huge
>>> scat.TBT_UP/ files. It has been just a test of that approach, it
>>> failed and this is understandable because it is a different version. Now,
>>> just to complete the information, this is what one gets with TBT 4.1.5
>>> when using the attached scat.fdf input asking for specific output data (I
>>> also attach the tbt.out)
>>>   195116 Feb 12 18:54 scat.TBT.CC
>>>   350488 Feb 12 19:19 scat.TBT_DN.ADOS_Left
>>>   350488 Feb 12 19:19 scat.TBT_DN.ADOS_Right
>>>    70103 Feb 12 19:19 scat.TBT_DN.AVADOS_Left
>>>    70103 Feb 12 19:19 scat.TBT_DN.AVADOS_Right
>>>    70074 Feb 12 19:19 scat.TBT_DN.AVTRANS_Left-Right
>>>   350459 Feb 12 19:19 scat.TBT_DN.TRANS_Left-Right
>>>      297 Feb 12 18:54 scat.TBT.KP
>>>   350488 Feb 12 19:06 scat.TBT_UP.ADOS_Left
>>>   350488 Feb 12 19:06 scat.TBT_UP.ADOS_Right
>>>    70103 Feb 12 19:06 scat.TBT_UP.AVADOS_Left
>>>    70103 Feb 12 19:06 scat.TBT_UP.AVADOS_Right
>>>    70074 Feb 12 19:06 scat.TBT_UP.AVTRANS_Left-Right
>>>   350459 Feb 12 19:06 scat.TBT_UP.TRANS_Left-Right
>>> Still, no output for
>>> SystemLabel.TEIG_<1>_<2>
>>> SystemLabel.BDOS_<>
>>> SystemLabel.BTRANS_<>
>>> SystemLabel.CORR_<>
>>> SystemLabel.TRANS_<1>_<1>
>>> as well as for SystemLabel.TBT_UP/ files, although tbt.out says
>>> that the job was executed without error.
>>> I have just completed the ts_graphene test in the 4.1.5 release in a
>>> spin-polarized configuration with transmission eigenvalues, and everything
>>> seems correctly written.
>>> Please, is there anything wrong in the here-attached *fdf file comparing
>>> with your input for the spin polarized graphene input ?
>>> Thank you, very much, for your comments and suggestion wrt the
>>> compilation of TBT when using intel compilers; I have had painstaking
>>> experiences in the past with that. I will ask the system administrator to
>>> recompile the code paying more attention to the optimization flags, indeed.
>>>  Kind regards,
>>> Neculai
>>> On 3/9/22 14:15, Nick Papior wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> This is what I can find:
>>> 1) your scat.fdf does not ask for transmission eigenvalues. I.e. I can't
>>> find TBT.T.Eig in scat.fdf, this is also reflected in tbt.out which lists 0
>>> transmission eigenvalues should be calculated. So nothing wrong there.
>>> 2) your scat-dn and scat-up. The output of the tbtrans runs tbt-dn.out
>>> and tbt-up.out have these lines:
>>> ===================================================================================
>>> =   RANK 46 PID 17638 RUNNING AT imt01
>>> =   KILLED BY SIGNAL: 9 (Killed)
>>> ===================================================================================
>>> indicating a prematurely ending job. Always check whether your jobs are
>>> done. That information could be of a number of reasons that I don't have
>>> any knowledge about.
>>> Sometimes intel compilers are extremely aggressive in optimizations, and
>>> this could be what is causing problems. Try lowering the optimization
>>> level, or ask the admins on your cluster why the jobs ended prematurely.
>>> I have just completed the ts_graphene test in the 4.1.5 release in a
>>> spin-polarized configuration with transmission eigenvalues, and everything
>>> seems correctly written.
>>> / Nick
>>> Den man. 7. mar. 2022 kl. 17.32 skrev Neculai PLUGARU <
>>>> Hello, Nick
>>>> Thank you for your help. I have delayed my message because I have made
>>>> several tests to be more explicit about the problems I face with TBT 4.1.5.
>>>> So, here are the answers to your questions:
>>>> 1) I attach my input files; now there are three of them, because I
>>>> found and followed this discussion since 2017-01-24, regarding TBT 4.1-b3,
>>>> and somehow the present situation with TBT 4.1.5 is similar, but still
>>>> different.
>>>>  "spin polarized tbtrans calculation"
>>>> In my calculations of the eigen channels, the first one (denoted here
>>>> below scat-up) stops after producing the files for the spin UP. Then, in an
>>>> independent TBT calculation, scat-dn, with the line
>>>> TBT.Spin 2
>>>> included in *fdf, one obtains all the files for the spin-DOWN channel.
>>>> However, the code gives the output for both spin channels (but not the
>>>> files mentioned in my first message) in the case that one does not specify
>>>> in the input the request for the eigen channels and other data,( this is
>>>> calculation denoted scat).
>>>> 2) I also attach the tbt.out files, for conformity;
>>>> 3) Below, I list the files generated by TBtrans 4.1.5 for the two
>>>> independent calculations spin-up/spin-dn, as well as for the calculation
>>>> without the TBT.T.Eig 5, and other supplimentary lines.
>>>> scat-up
>>>>        195116 Mar  7 10:17 scat.TBT.CC
>>>>           529 Mar  7 10:17 scat.TBT.KP
>>>> <>
>>>>        630796 Mar  7 11:58 scat.TBT_UP.ADOS_Left
>>>>         70103 Mar  7 11:58 scat.TBT_UP.AVADOS_Left
>>>>         70070 Mar  7 11:58 scat.TBT_UP.AVBDOS_Left
>>>>         70079 Mar  7 11:58 scat.TBT_UP.AVBTRANS_Left
>>>>         70089 Mar  7 11:58 scat.TBT_UP.AVCORR_Left
>>>>        630763 Mar  7 11:58 scat.TBT_UP.BDOS_Left
>>>>        630772 Mar  7 11:58 scat.TBT_UP.BTRANS_Left
>>>>           178 Mar  7 11:58 scat.TBT_UP.CEIG_Left
>>>>        630782 Mar  7 11:58 scat.TBT_UP.CORR_Left
>>>>  745686907872 Mar  7 11:58
>>>> <>
>>>> --
>>>> scat-dn
>>>>         78116 Mar  7 14:29 scat.TBT.CC
>>>>        252796 Mar  7 15:11 scat.TBT_DN.ADOS_Left
>>>>         28103 Mar  7 15:11 scat.TBT_DN.AVADOS_Left
>>>>         28070 Mar  7 15:11 scat.TBT_DN.AVBDOS_Left
>>>>         28079 Mar  7 15:11 scat.TBT_DN.AVBTRANS_Left
>>>>         28089 Mar  7 15:11 scat.TBT_DN.AVCORR_Left
>>>>        252763 Mar  7 15:11 scat.TBT_DN.BDOS_Left
>>>>        252772 Mar  7 15:11 scat.TBT_DN.BTRANS_Left
>>>>           178 Mar  7 15:11 scat.TBT_DN.CEIG_Left
>>>>        252782 Mar  7 15:11 scat.TBT_DN.CORR_Left
>>>>  298284813762 Mar  7 15:11
>>>> <>
>>>>           529 Mar  7 14:29 scat.TBT.KP
>>>> <>
>>>> --
>>>> scat
>>>>      195116 Feb 11 06:11 scat.TBT.CC
>>>>      350488 Feb 11 06:36 scat.TBT_DN.ADOS_Left
>>>>      350488 Feb 11 06:36 scat.TBT_DN.ADOS_Right
>>>>       70103 Feb 11 06:36 scat.TBT_DN.AVADOS_Left
>>>>       70103 Feb 11 06:36 scat.TBT_DN.AVADOS_Right
>>>>       70074 Feb 11 06:36 scat.TBT_DN.AVTRANS_Left-Right
>>>>   225823297 Feb 11 06:36
>>>> <>
>>>>      350459 Feb 11 06:36 scat.TBT_DN.TRANS_Left-Right
>>>>         297 Feb 11 06:11 scat.TBT.KP
>>>> <>
>>>>      350488 Feb 11 06:24 scat.TBT_UP.ADOS_Left
>>>>      350488 Feb 11 06:24 scat.TBT_UP.ADOS_Right
>>>>       70103 Feb 11 06:24 scat.TBT_UP.AVADOS_Left
>>>>       70103 Feb 11 06:24 scat.TBT_UP.AVADOS_Right
>>>>       70074 Feb 11 06:24 scat.TBT_UP.AVTRANS_Left-Right
>>>>   225823295 Feb 11 06:24
>>>> <>
>>>>      350459 Feb 11 06:24 scat.TBT_UP.TRANS_Left-Right
>>>> --
>>>> I have also tested the example for graphene (spin unpolarized
>>>> calculation) and it produced all required output, without error.
>>>> I hope these information can be useful for you to detect either what I
>>>> miss or has to be fixed in TBT.
>>>> Kind regards,
>>>> Neculai
>>>> On 3/4/22 23:27, Nick Papior wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> 1) what is your input file
>>>> 2) what does the top 10 lines of the tbtrans output say?
>>>> 3) do you have the netcdf file
>>>> <>
>>>> present in your calculation folder?
>>>> Den fre. 4. mar. 2022 kl. 22.07 skrev Neculai PLUGARU <
>>>>> Dear SIESTA Community
>>>>> I use SIESTA 4.1.5 and the associated TS and TBT. TBtrans was compiled
>>>>> following the instructions in the TBtrans manual, using NETCDF-4 and MKL
>>>>> libs.
>>>>> I want to calculate the eigen channels for the transmission matrix for
>>>>> a spin-polarized system. For that purpose we have set the following flags
>>>>> in the TBT input:
>>>>> TBT.Verbosity 8
>>>>> TBT.T.Bulk true
>>>>> TBT.T.All true
>>>>> TBT.T.Eig  true
>>>>> TBT.T.Eig 5
>>>>> TBT.T.Out true
>>>>> TBT.Symmetry.TimeReversal F
>>>>> TBT.Current.Orb  true
>>>>> But the TBT calculation does not provide the files
>>>>> SystemLabel.TEIG_<1>_<2>
>>>>> SystemLabel.BDOS_<>
>>>>> SystemLabel.BTRANS_<>
>>>>> SystemLabel.CORR_<>
>>>>> SystemLabel.TRANS_<1>_<1>
>>>>> Is the information in these files listed only in the  netcdf format
>>>>> (*.nc files) ?
>>>>> Thank you for your help,
>>>>> Neculai
>>>>> *******************************************************
>>>>> Dr. Neculai Plugaru
>>>>> National Institute for R&D in Microtechnologies (IMT-Bucharest)
>>>>> Simulation, Modelling and Computer-Aided Design - Laboratory L5
>>>>> 126A, Erou Iancu Nicolae Street, 077190, Ilfov
>>>>> Bucharest, ROMANIA
>>>>> E-mail:
>>>>> Tel:  +4021 269 0777
>>>>> *******************************************************
>>>>> --
>>>>> SIESTA is supported by the Spanish Research Agency (AEI) and by the
>>>>> European H2020 MaX Centre of Excellence (
>>>> --
>>>> Kind regards Nick
>>> --
>>> Kind regards Nick
>>> --
>>> SIESTA is supported by the Spanish Research Agency (AEI) and by the
>>> European H2020 MaX Centre of Excellence (
SIESTA is supported by the Spanish Research Agency (AEI) and by the European 
H2020 MaX Centre of Excellence (

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