Dear SIESTA developers and users,

I have the following two questions about TRANSIESTA and I'm really looking 
forward to getting some help.

1. In the two-electrode calculation (N = 2 electrode calculations), when I set 
(TS.Voltage = 0.4 eV), does the potential of the left electrode drop by -0.2 eV 
and that of the right electrode rise by 0.2 eV ?

2. In the following example, what do (-a3), (1), (+a3) and (-1) stand for 
respectively ?

(Some modifications were made according to article "N. Papior et al. 
Manipulating the voltage drop in graphene nanojunctions using a gate potential. 
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2016, 18(2):1025-1031. [DOI: 
%block TS.Elecs                
%block TS.Elec.Left
  HS                                    ../../lead.TSHS
  semi-inf-direction            -a3
  chemical-potential           Left
  electrode-position            1
  used-atoms                       90
%block TS.Elec.Right
  HS                                    ../../lead.TSHS
  semi-inf-direction            +a3
  chemical-potential           Right
  electrode-position end      -1
  used-atoms                       90

Thank you very much!

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SIESTA is supported by the Spanish Research Agency (AEI) and by the European 
H2020 MaX Centre of Excellence (

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