Dear Policy chair,
I personally partial support if M& A case be excluded as no one knows when
M&A case can come into picture looking at the business of company.
Ajai Kumar

On 8 September 2017 at 14:31, Satoru Tsurumaki <> wrote:

> Dear Colleagues,
> I am Satoru Tsurumaki from Policy Working Group in Japan.
> I would like to share key feedback in our community for prop-116,
> based on a meeting we organised on 5th Sep to discuss these proposals.
> Substantial support expressed for the proposal with reasons below.
> * Transfer of 103/8 block is against the original intention of the
> final /8 policy (103/8).
> * Given the purpose of 103/8 block distribution is to make the minimum
> IPv4 address block available until transition to IPv6, it may even be
> unnecessary to set the limit of "two years" to prohibit the transfer.
> Best Regards,
> Satoru Tsurumaki
> Policy Working Group
> Japan Open Policy Forum
> 2017-08-09 15:12 GMT+09:00 chku <>:
> > Dear SIG members
> >
> > A new version of the proposal "prop-116: Prohibit to transfer IPv4
> > addresses in the final /8 block" has been sent to the Policy SIG for
> > review.
> >
> > It will be presented at the Open Policy Meeting at APNIC 44 which will
> > be held in Taichung, Taiwan on Wednesday and Thursday, 14 & 15 September
> > 2017.
> >
> > Information about earlier versions is available from:
> >
> >
> >
> > You are encouraged to express your views on the proposal:
> >
> >  - Do you support or oppose the proposal?
> >  - Do you see any disadvantages in this proposal?
> >  - Is there anything in the proposal that is not clear?
> >  - What changes could be made to this proposal to make it more effective?
> >
> > Please find the text of the proposal below.
> >
> > Kind Regards,
> >
> > Sumon, Bertrand, Ching-Heng
> > APNIC Policy SIG Chairs
> >
> >
> >
> > -------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > prop-116-v004: Prohibit to transfer IPv4 addresses in the final /8 block
> >
> > -------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > Proposer:       Tomohiro Fujisaki
> >       
> >
> >
> > 1. Problem statement
> > --------------------
> >
> > There are a lot of transfers of IPv4 address blocks from 103/8
> > happening, both within the APNIC region and among RIRs.
> >
> > Then number of transfer from 103/8 block are about 200, which is about
> > 12% of the total number of transfers. This looks so high since APNIC
> > manages about 40/8.
> >
> > And based on the information provided by APNIC Secretariat, number of
> > transfers from the 103/8 block are increasing year by year.
> >
> > Updated by APNIC Secretariat on 27 January 2017:
> >
> > 1) M&A transfers containing 103/8 space
> >
> > +------+-----------+-----------+-
> > |      |   Total   | Number of |
> > | Year | Transfers |   /24s    |
> > +------+-----------+-----------+-
> > | 2011 |         3 |         12 |
> > | 2012 |        10 |         46 |
> > | 2013 |        18 |         66 |
> > | 2014 |       126 |        498 |
> > | 2015 |       147 |        573 |
> > | 2016 |        63 |        239 |
> > | 2017 |        45 |        178 |
> > +------+-----------+------------+-
> >
> > 2) Market transfers containing 103/8 space
> >
> > +------+-----------+-----------+
> > |      |   Total   | Number of |
> > | Year | Transfers |   /24s    |
> > +------+-----------+-----------+
> > | 2011 |         2 |         2 |
> > | 2012 |        21 |        68 |
> > | 2013 |        16 |        61 |
> > | 2014 |        25 |        95 |
> > | 2015 |        67 |       266 |
> > | 2016 |       103 |       394 |
> > | 2017 |        70 |       288 |
> > +------+-----------+-----------+
> >
> > And also, transfers from the 103/8 block include:
> >   - Take place within 1 year of distribution, or
> >   - Multiple blocks to a single organization in case of beyond 1 year.
> >
> > Further, there is a case where a single organization have received 12
> > blocks transfers from 103 range.
> >
> > see:
> >
> > From these figures, it is quite likely that substantial number of 103/8
> > blocks are being used for transfer purpose.
> >
> > This conflicts with the concept of distribution of 103/8 block
> > (prop-062), which is intended to accommodate minimum IPv4 address blocks
> > for new comers.
> >
> > prop-062: Use of final /8
> >
> >
> >
> > 2. Objective of policy change
> > -----------------------------
> >
> > When stated problem is solved, distribution from 103/8 block will be
> > consistent with its original purpose, for distribution for new entrants
> > to the industry. Without the policy change, substantial portion of 103/8
> > blocks will be consumed for transfer purpose.
> >
> >
> > 3. Situation in other regions
> > -----------------------------
> >
> > None.
> >
> >
> > 4. Proposed policy solution
> > ---------------------------
> >
> > Prohibit transfer IPv4 addresses under /8 address block (103/8) which
> > have not passed two years after its allocation/assignment. If the
> > address block allocated to a LIR in two years is not needed any more, it
> > must return to APNIC to allocate to another organization using final /8
> > policy. This two years requirement will apply both market and M&A
> > transfers.
> >
> > 5. Advantages / Disadvantages
> > -----------------------------
> >
> > Advantages:
> >   - It makes 103/8 blocks available according to the original purpose,
> >     as distribution for new entrants (rather than being consumed for
> >     transfer purpose)
> >
> >   - IPv4 addresses under final /8 are not transferred to outside APNIC.
> >
> >   - By prohibiting transfer, them, it is possible to keep one /22 for
> >     each LIRs state, which is fair for all LIRs.
> >
> > Disadvantages:
> > None.
> >
> >
> > 6. Impact on resource holders
> > ------------------------------
> >
> >   - LIRs cannot transfer address blocks under 103/8. No big impact while
> >     they use it.
> >
> >   - Organizations which needs to receive transferred IPv4 can continue
> >     to do so, outside 103/8 blocks (which should be made available for
> >     new entrants)
> >
> >
> > 7. References
> > -------------
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Sig-policy-chair mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> > *              sig-policy:  APNIC SIG on resource management policy
>      *
> > _______________________________________________
> > sig-policy mailing list
> >
> >
> *              sig-policy:  APNIC SIG on resource management policy
>    *
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> sig-policy mailing list


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