Hi Jordi,

Your proposed text is more consistent with the text in bullet point 4 now.

4. Any ASNs returned to the requesting organization must then be returned to 
APNIC or the relevant NIR.


From: JORDI PALET MARTINEZ <jordi.pa...@consulintel.es>
Date: Wednesday, 17 March 2021 at 6:36 pm
To: Vivek Nigam <vi...@apnic.net>, Srinivas Chendi <su...@apnic.net>, 
sig-policy <sig-policy@lists.apnic.net>
Subject: Re: [sig-policy] proposals to resolve the "APNIC Policy Document 
Review Report"

Hi Vivek,

I was thinking on that, but not all the policies have an explicit mention to 
the “NIR” or related text, and what is more important, my understanding is that 
a NIR member is also an APNIC member by default, or at least, that’s what I 
understand from:


(or I got wrong that document?)

If the secretariat believes that we should make it more explicit (I think 
redundant text is not always good, but I’m fine with that), then we could use:

5. The ASN could be transferred, instead of returned, in cases such as the 
customer using the ASN becomes an APNIC/NIR member.


El 17/3/21 7:59, "Vivek Nigam" <vi...@apnic.net<mailto:vi...@apnic.net>> 

Hi Jordy,

Yes, this will address the cases I explained in my previous email.

Since APNIC has NIRs in our region, you may want to include them in your 
proposed point.


From: JORDI PALET MARTINEZ <jordi.pa...@consulintel.es>
Date: Tuesday, 16 March 2021 at 7:08 pm
To: Vivek Nigam <vi...@apnic.net>, Srinivas Chendi <su...@apnic.net>, 
sig-policy <sig-policy@lists.apnic.net>
Subject: Re: [sig-policy] proposals to resolve the "APNIC Policy Document 
Review Report"

Hi Vivek,

I fully understand that case. It makes a lot of sense that a customer which 
initially got the ASN from the upstream, now becomes a member and then it 
should be transferred. Probably also the IPv4 addresses, but that’s a more 
complex issue.

I was thinking in a different case.

1)      An upstream is providing an ASN to a customer.

2)      The customer cancels the contract and don’t ask for the transfer.

3)      The upstream has an ASN not being used (let’s assume that it is not 
used for another customer in more than 6 months or so).

4)      The honest thing in this case, is to return it, not to transfer it 
after 12 months (example). Otherwise, it is a stockpiling.

Based on that, I’ve updated the document. Do you thing adding this in 12.4 will 

5. The ASN could be transferred, instead of returned, in cases such as the 
customer using the ASN becomes an APNIC member.

Otherwise, it is a good starting point for a discussion on this specific topic!


El 16/3/21 3:33, "Vivek Nigam" <vi...@apnic.net<mailto:vi...@apnic.net>> 

Hi Jordi,
As per points 3 and 4 in policy clause 12.4. Providing ASN to customer
3. If the customer ceases to receive connectivity from the requesting 
organization it must return the ASN. The requesting organization is expected to 
enter into an agreement with the customer to this effect.
4. Any ASNs returned to the requesting organization must then be returned to 
APNIC or the relevant NIR.
We have had cases where a member has received an ASN on behalf of their 
customer. Subsequently that customer became a member of APNIC and requested to 
transfer that ASN into their APNIC account. We have also had cases where 
members have re-assigned their customer ASNs to new customers after their 
original customer ceased to receive connectivity from them. Subsequently the 
new customer became a member of APNIC and requested to transfer that ASN into 
their APNIC account.
When the policy for customer ASNs was written, the ASN transfer policy did not 
exist. Now that we have a policy for ASN transfers, we would like to have some 
clarity around the transfer of customer ASNs.

From: <sig-policy-boun...@lists.apnic.net> on behalf of JORDI PALET MARTINEZ 
Date: Monday, 15 March 2021 at 7:20 pm
To: Srinivas Chendi <su...@apnic.net>, sig-policy <sig-policy@lists.apnic.net>
Subject: Re: [sig-policy] proposals to resolve the "APNIC Policy Document 
Review Report"

I meant:

in the sense that any non-used resource must be returned “voluntarily” (or 
otherwise reclaimed).


El 15/3/21 10:17, "JORDI PALET MARTINEZ" 
en nombre de jordi.pa...@consulintel.es<mailto:jordi.pa...@consulintel.es>> 

Hi Sunny, all,

I saw your slides, and in fact, that’s what I followed initially for preparing 
my proposal. However, I saw many other points that need resolution, in my 
opinion, as when you touch some of the text, some other text is related to it, 

So, yes, I understand your slide 17, however, the point is still the same … In 
an ideal world, if you don’t need any more any INR (Internet Number Resource), 
which has been provided by the RIR (APNIC in this case), then you just return 
it, so other community members can take advantage of it. However, we know that 
will not happen, and we will need to go into “persecution & reclaim-mode” 
(excluding M&A cases), and this is what triggered the transfer policies. What 
I’m saying is that the apparent contradiction for the ASNs is there also for 
IPv4 resources. We can tidy up a bit the text, but the contradiction is 
“generic” in the sense that any non-used resource must be reclaimed.

Let’s talk about this in the community consultation. It is a terrible timing 
for me (national holiday and 5AM) … but I will try to join anyway.

By the way, I forgot to mention in my email that the transfers policies, could 
not just be “editorially moved” to a specific part in the policy manual, but 
also try to make the text shorter, instead of having just all the text “there”. 
I will try to prepare something else about that.


El 15/3/21 7:55, "Srinivas (Sunny) Chendi" 
<su...@apnic.net<mailto:su...@apnic.net>> escribió:

Hello Jordi,

Thanks for your email. Please see the responses inline below.
On 15/03/2021 8:05 am, JORDI PALET MARTINEZ wrote:

Hi all,

I've got no inputs to this message, so I moved on and edited a draft policy 
proposal, trying to avoid any "contentious" wording ... but will see.
As usual, appreciate for your pro-activeness and support. The Policy SIG Chairs 
have sent an invitation to the community to join a virtual community 
consultation to discuss the Policy documentation review report presented at 
APNIC 51 OPM. This is an opportunity for those who missed the OPM to 
participate in this discussion.


After this virtual consultation, hope interested individuals (or groups) may 
come forward to draft proposal/s.

I've one question for the secretariat, actually all, regarding the ASN return 
vs. transfers. The point is that if we "ask" all the LIRs to return the ASNs 
that they don't use, we should also ask them to return the IPv4 addresses that 
they don't use ... so then there is no need to allow the transfers. So, I think 
we should keep the ASN/ASN transfers as is today. Or do you think the wording 
in between IPv4 and ASN is so different that makes a point in rewording the ASN 
We could keep the current text but is contradicting with the text in "Section 
13.2.2. Conditions on the source of the transfer" and creating confusion as 
reported at APNIC 51. Please refer to slide #17, here


This just requires a simple update to "Section 12.4 Providing ASN to customer", 
point #4, to allow transfer in accordance with ASN Transfers 13.0.

Hope this clarifies.


So ... see the attached PDF with the proposal. This is just a draft. As I 
mention in my previous email, the goal is to have some discussions in the list 
and get other folks joining before submitting a proposal ... of course, unless 
there is no discussion in the list and I need to go for the proposal.




El 3/3/21 13:40, "JORDI PALET MARTINEZ" <sig-policy-boun...@lists.apnic.net en 
nombre de 

    Hi Sunny, all,

    Some of the topics that you mention, have been already resolved in other 
RIRs, as there were similar issues. In fact, I authored a few policy proposals 
about some of them.

    In a quick review of your presentation, I see that many of them are really 
easy to resolve. They are not "editorial" in the sense of typos or grammar, but 
inconsistencies among different parts of the policy "manual" and, the most 
important thing, I believe they are non-contentious (so "should not" have 
objections which create lack of consensus, lengthy discussions, etc.).

    For example, in a quick look, some of those that I believe aren't 

    0) Overall: Improve definitions, ensure they are in a single section?

    1) End-Site vs end-user

    2) 5.31, 5.32, 5.3.3 unify?

    3) 5.6 and 5.6.1 repetitive, delete last one

    4) Utilization vs usage rate

    5) Agree with transfers in a single place

    6) LIR assignment for their own infrastructure doesn't look as a real need 
in IPv6?

    7) 5.2.1 assignment window for LIRs Second Opinion Request

    9) I don't think we need IPv6 guidelines ... anymore, having policies and 
guidelines is making it more complex

    10) No need for experimental IPv4 resources anymore?

    11) ASNs 12.4 vs 13.0 - rewording or clarification needed

    We shouldn't make this very complex or take a long time to resolve them. I 
will say that by the next on-line meeting, should be sorted out, at least for 
those issues that aren't contentious.

    I just started a document with a proposal for all them. I will try to 
finish it this afternoon.

    However, I think if we can circulate in the list each topic, we can "see" 
if anyone is objecting to any of the issues, before making a formal proposal. 
This way we can split the issues in those that are "non-contentious" and those 
that "may have some objections". Even if the APNIC PDP is used to ask questions 
for separate parts of a single proposal, we can make it much easier having ONE 
proposal for the "non-contentious", and then individual proposals for each of 
the "contentious" ones.

    We can try to determine if any of the issues is "contentious" by 
circulating in the sig-policy list each of the points. This will only work if 
the people decide to *actively* participate, in such way that for example, 
every week (more or less), from now to the next meeting (actually a couple of 
months before it, at least), so we have a clear view of points to "exclude" 
from the "non-contentious proposal".

    *Otherwise*, if people are not willing to contribute actively, we don't 
waste anyone time and I just fire a proposal tomorrow.

    Now, while I'm happy to take over this task myself, I will prefer doing 
this with other folks. May be people that never participated in policy 
proposals before and want to take advantage of the experience?

    So, I will ask once more: Anyone interested to contribute (you can email me 
in private if you prefer so)?





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Srinivas (Sunny) Chendi

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Asia Pacific Network Information Centre (APNIC) |  Tel: +61 7 3858 3100

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