Dear SIG members,

The proposal "prop-136-v001: Registration Requirements" has been
sent to the Policy SIG for review.

It will be presented at the Open Policy Meeting (OPM) at APNIC 52
on Thursday, 16 September 2021.

We invite you to review and comment on the proposal on the mailing
list before the OPM.

The comment period on the mailing list before the OPM is an important
part of the Policy Development Process (PDP). We encourage you to
express your views on the proposal:

  - Do you support or oppose this proposal?
  - Does this proposal solve a problem you are experiencing? If so,
    tell the community about your situation.
  - Do you see any disadvantages in this proposal?
  - Is there anything in the proposal that is not clear?
  - What changes could be made to this proposal to make it more effective?

Information about this proposal is appended below and also available at:

Bertrand and Ching-Heng
APNIC Policy SIG Chairs


prop-136-v001: Registration Requirements


Proposer: Simon Sohel Baroi (
          Amrita Choudhury (

1. Problem statement
The registration requirements under Section 5.3 of APNIC Internet Number Resource Policies document is again broken down into three subsections (section 5.3.1, 5.3.2 and 5.3.3) based on each resource type.

2. Objective of policy change
The objective of the policy change is to make the  Section of the policy more simpler, concise and easier for the community to understand and adopt and remove duplication if any.

3. Situation in other regions
In most of the RIRs like Afrinic, LACNIC and Ripe NCC the registration requirements have been listed separately for ipv4, ipv6 and ASN under different clauses.

4. Proposed policy solution
To avoid repetition of similar requirements  for each protocol, the proposed  solution is to incorporate the registration requirements for ASN and addresses in Section 5.3.1 and  updating registration details in 5.3.2.

Presently the Section and the sub-sections are  as follows :

5.3. Registration requirements

5.3.1. Requirements for IPv4 addresses

IRs are responsible for promptly and accurately registering their address space use with APNIC as follows:
- All delegations from APNIC to the IR must be registered.
- All delegations to downstream IRs must be registered.
- Delegations made to networks greater than a /30 must be registered.
- Delegations made to networks of a /30 or less may be registered, at the discretion of the IR and the network administrator. - Delegations to hosts may be registered, at the discretion of the IR and the end-user.

IRs can choose whether or not to designate this information "public". Customer registration details that are not designated "public" will not be generally available via the APNIC Whois Database. The database record will instead direct specific whois enquiries to the IR concerned. Updating registration details

IRs must update their registration records when any of the registration information changes. This is the responsibility of the IR concerned. However, this responsibility may be formally assigned to the end-user as a condition of the original delegation.

5.3.2. Registration requirements for IPv6 addresses

When an organisation holding an IPv6 address allocation makes IPv6 address assignments, it must register assignment information in a database, accessible by RIRs as appropriate (information registered by an RIR/NIR may be replaced by a distributed database for registering address management information in future).

Information is registered in units of assigned /48 networks. When more than a /48 is assigned to an organisation, the assigning organisation is responsible for ensuring that the address space is registered in an RIR/NIR database.

RIR/NIRs will use registered data to calculate the HD-Ratio at the time of application for subsequent allocation and to check for changes in assignments over time.

IRs shall maintain systems and practices that protect the security of personal and commercial information that is used in request evaluation, but which is not required for public registration.

Organisations that receive an allocation from APNIC can choose whether or not their customer assignment registrations should be publicly available. If the organisation does not indicate a choice, or it chooses to hide its customer assignment registrations, then those records will not be visible in the public whois database. Whois queries on these records will return details of the allocation.

5.3.3. Registration requirements for AS Numbers

All ASNs assigned must be publicly registered in the APNIC, or relevant NIR, Whois database. APNIC, or the relevant NIR, will create the aut-num object.

All attributes of the aut-num object must be properly registered in accordance with the APNIC or NIR whois database documentation. Without limiting these general requirements, Section and Section describe particular requirements for ASN registration. Registering routing policy
APNIC recommends that the routing policy of the AS is registered for each ASN assigned. Updating registration details
Organizations responsible for ASNs should update the aut-num object in the appropriate database if any of the registration information changes.

What we propose is:

5.3. Registration requirements

5.3.1. Requirements for Autonomous System Numbers (ASNs) and Addresses

IRs are responsible for promptly and accurately registering their ASN and address space use with APNIC as follows:

·All ASNs assigned must be publicly registered in the APNIC, or relevant NIR, Whois database, for which APNIC or NIR will create the aut-num object. ·All the attributes of the aut-num object, must be registered in accordance with APNIC or NIR whois database documentation.
·All delegations from APNIC to the IR must be registered.
·All delegations to downstream IRs must be registered.
·Delegations made to networks greater than a /30 for IPv4 and /48 for IPv6 must be registered. ·Delegations made to networks of a /30 for IPv4 and /48 for IPv6 or less may be registered, at the discretion of the IR and the network administrator. ·Delegations to hosts may be registered, at the discretion of the IR and the end-user.

IRs can choose whether or not to designate this information "public". Customer registration details that are not designated "public" will not be generally available via the APNIC Whois Database. The database record will instead direct specific whois enquiries to the IR concerned.

5.3.2. Updating registration details

IRs must update their registration records and relevant objects when any of the registration information changes. This is the responsibility of the IR concerned. However, this responsibility may be formally assigned to the end-user as a condition of the original delegation.

Further, APNIC recommends that the routing policy of the AS is registered for each ASN assigned.

5. Advantages / Disadvantages
It makes the policy for registration requirements simpler, concise and easy to understand, removing duplication of similar requirements.

There are no disadvantages.

6. Impact on resource holders
None. It just makes the policy of registering requirements precise, easier to understand and concise removing duplication.

7. References



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