I am strongly in opposition of this policy. There is no need to change the
policy related to this in my opinion.
Ajai Kumar

On Mon, 22 Aug 2022 at 22:47, Mike Burns <m...@iptrading.com> wrote:

> There are a number of problems with this policy.
> First let’s start with Jordi stating the policy is just a clarification of
> fact.
> If so, why is it necessary? Actually it is not a fact as leasing is
> occurring in APNIC and there is nothing in policy preventing it.  So this
> needs to be considered as a change in policy.
> Second, there are inaccuracies in the verbiage associated with the policy,
> particularly in reference to the status of leasing at other RIRs.  How can
> you make the statement “ In other RIRs, the leasing of addresses is not
> authorized either and since it is not explicit in their policy manuals…”?
> Are you unilaterally deciding that things which are not mentioned in
> policy are by definition “unauthorized”? I think this is wrong, and it’s
> better to consider things as authorized unless they are forbidden by
> policy.  However, either way there is no language in any RIR regarding
> leasing and you can’t make assumptions based on your own feelings.
> You are also wrong in stating that “Nothing is currently mentioned in RIPE
> about this and it is not acceptable as a justification of the need.” In
> actual fact, RIPE will accept leased-out addresses as justification of need
> in the only case where RIPE actually has a needs test, and that is with
> inter-regional transfers sourced in ARIN.  It bears remembering that RIPE
> simply has no needs test for transfers and this has been the policy for
> many years.  You may wonder what the point of a needs-test for transfers
> is, since the recipients are paying for the addresses.
> ARIN staff has made it known that leasing addresses is not against policy
> at all, but leased-out addresses can’t be used to justify transfers.
> However a policy explicitly allowing leased-out addresses to be used as
> justification is under consideration.
> Also leases can be used to justify addresses in ARIN if any tiny
> connectivity is created between the lessor and lessee. For example, a small
> VPN can be created, even though it carries no (or nearly no) traffic. If
> you want to get technical, the lessor and the lessee both advertise the
> block, but the lessor advertises a longer and more expensive route than the
> lessee, who will receive all the traffic except for any loose packets that
> find their way to the lessor, who will send them down the tunnel to the
> lessee.
> The issue of retention of a needs test should be reconsidered by the APNIC
> community in the face of evidence garnered from the RIPE experiment. RIPE
> has had no needs test and APNIC had also removed the needs-test for
> transfers but only restored it at the behest of ARIN, who at the time was
> the only source for desperate APNIC members faced with APNIC exhaust.  Now
> there are other sources for inter-regional transfers to APNIC, and APNIC
> can take the path of RIPE in performing needs test only for inbound ARIN
> transfers so that source would not be precluded. So why not return to
> APNIC’s previous position of removing the needs test from transfers?
> Leasing is a natural progression of the IPv4 market that provides benefits
> to both lessee and lessor, and that is why it is inevitable and why it
> exists today.  There are those who hold unused addresses but who don’t want
> to sell for some reason. There are those who need IPv4 but who can’t afford
> to pay for it all at once. There are those with a temporary need. Leasing
> is the answer for the smaller organizations that need IPv4. There are no
> addresses left in the free pool, so it’s either buy or lease. No other
> options.
> Today APNIC (and ARIN and RIPE) will allow existing address holders to
> lease their blocks to non-connected customers. This is not a policy
> violation and addresses can’t be revoked for reasons of utilization or
> non-utilization. I believe that contra this policy, leasing should be
> authorized explicitly and that leased out addresses in-use on an
> operational network should logically be accepted as justification, because
> does it really matter whose network they are used on? Isn’t the salient
> point that they are in use?
> I am against this policy.
> Regards,
> Mike Burns
> *From:* JORDI PALET MARTINEZ via sig-policy <sig-policy@lists.apnic.net>
> *Sent:* Monday, August 22, 2022 9:21 AM
> *To:* Srinivas (Sunny) Chendi <su...@apnic.net>;
> sig-policy@lists.apnic.net
> *Subject:* [sig-policy] Re: prop-148-v001: Leasing of Resources is not
> Acceptable
> Hi Sunny, all,
> In my opinion because the policy is just a clarification of a fact, it
> doesn’t change the situation for non-LIR/ISP account holders. Further to
> that, direct assignments from APNIC can’t be further sub-assigned, so
> clearly this disallows any type of “business” with addresses for those
> account holders. Do you think that’s sufficiently clear or do you think a
> small text clarification in the proposal is needed?
> Regarding your 2nd point, there is not already a generic contact email to
> let know APNIC if anything is wrong regarding policy compliance? It will be
> surprising that today anyone discovers some breach and can’t report it, so
> this will also apply the same to this proposal. Again, if you believe a
> text clarification is needed, we can make a new version for that.
> Finally, regarding your 3rd question, in my understanding the policy
> manual apply to **all the resources** unless we state otherwise. So not
> only those after being implemented are subjected to this proposal. And once
> more, the proposal is only a clarification, not changing what is the
> current reality. Anyway, we are happy to state it more clearly if needed.
> Tks!
> Regards,
> Jordi
> @jordipalet
> El 22/8/22, 2:45, "Srinivas (Sunny) Chendi" <su...@apnic.net> escribió:
> Hi all,
> This is the secretariat's impact assessment for prop-148-v001, which is
> also
> available on the proposal page.
>     http://www.apnic.net/policy/proposals/prop-148
> APNIC notes that this proposal suggests explicitly stating in the APNIC
> Internet Number Resources policy document that leasing of IP addresses is
> not permitted in the APNIC region.
> *Clarifications:*
> Is this proposal restricted to LIRs/ISPs, or does it apply to all APNIC
> account holders?
> The proposal does not specify how an APNIC investigation should be
> initiated.
> Should there be a form to report this, similar to IRT escalation?
> Does this proposal apply to all existing allocations or only those
> delegated
> after the policy is implemented?
> *Implementation:*
> This proposal may require changes to the system.
> If this proposal reaches consensus, implementation may be completed within
> 3 months.
> Regards,
> Sunny
> APNIC Secretariat
> On 11/08/2022 5:01 pm, chku wrote:
> Dear SIG members,
> The proposal "prop-148: Leasing of Resources is not Acceptable" has been
> sent to the Policy SIG for review.
> It will be presented at the Open Policy Meeting (OPM) at APNIC 54 on
> Thursday, 15 September 2022.
>     https://conference.apnic.net/54/program/schedule/#/day/8
> We invite you to review and comment on the proposal on the mailing list
> before the OPM.
> The comment period on the mailing list before the OPM is an important
> part of the Policy Development Process (PDP). We encourage you to
> express your views on the proposal:
>   - Do you support or oppose this proposal?
>   - Does this proposal solve a problem you are experiencing? If so,
>     tell the community about your situation.
>   - Do you see any disadvantages in this proposal?
>   - Is there anything in the proposal that is not clear?
>   - What changes could be made to this proposal to make it more effective?
> Information about this proposal is appended below as well as available at:
>     http://www.apnic.net/policy/proposals/prop-148
> Regards,
> Bertrand, Shaila, and Ching-Heng
> APNIC Policy SIG Chairs
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> prop-148-v001: Leasing of Resources is not Acceptable
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Proposer: Jordi Palet Martinez (jordi.palet@theipv6company.comAnupam)
>           Amrita Choudhury (amritachoudh...@ccaoi.in)
>           Fernando Frediani (fhfred...@gmail.com)
> 1. Problem statement
> --------------------
> RIRs have been conceived to manage, allocate and assign resources according 
> to need, in such way that a LIR/ISP has addresses to be able to directly 
> connect its customers based on justified need. Addresses are not, therefore, 
> a property with which to trade or do business.
> When the justification of the need disappears or changes, for whatever 
> reasons, the expected thing would be to return said addresses to the RIR, 
> otherwise according to Section 4.1. (“The original basis of the delegation 
> remains valid”) and 4.1.2. (“Made for a specific purpose that no longer 
> exists, or based on information that is later found to be false or 
> incomplete”) of the policy manual, APNIC is not enforced to renew the 
> license. An alternative is to transfer these resources using the appropriate 
> transfer policy.
> If the leasing of addresses is authorized, contrary to the original spirit of 
> the policies and the very existence of the RIRs, the link between 
> connectivity and addresses disappears, which also poses security problems, 
> since, in the absence of connectivity, the resource holder who has received 
> the license to use the addresses does not have immediate physical control to 
> manage/filter them, which can cause damage to the entire community.
> Therefore, it should be made explicit in the Policies that the Internet 
> Resources should not be leased "per se", but only as part of a direct 
> connectivity service.
> The existing policies of APNIC are not explicit about that, however current 
> policies do not regard the leasing of addresses as acceptable, if they are 
> not an integral part of a connectivity service. Specifically, the 
> justification of the need would not be valid for those blocks of addresses 
> whose purpose is not to directly connect customers of an LIR/ISP, and 
> consequently the renewal of the annual license for the use of the addresses 
> would not be valid either. Sections 3.2.6. (Address ownership), 3.2.7. 
> (Address stockpiling) and 3.2.8. (Reservations not supported) of the policy 
> manual, are keys on this issue, but an explicit clarification is required.
> 2. Objective of policy change
> -----------------------------
> Despite the fact that the intention in this regard underlies the entire 
> Policy Manual text and is thus applied to justify the need for resources, 
> this proposal makes this aspect explicit by adding the appropriate clarifying 
> text.
> 3. Situation in other regions
> -----------------------------
> In other RIRs, the leasing of addresses is not authorized either and since it 
> is not explicit in their policy manuals either, this proposal will be 
> presented as well.
> Nothing is currently mentioned in RIPE about this and it is not acceptable as 
> a justification of the need. In AFRINIC and LACNIC, the staff has confirmed 
> that address leasing is not considered as valid for the justification. In 
> ARIN it is not considered valid as justification of need.
> A similar proposal is under discussion in LACNIC and ARIN.
> 4. Proposed policy solution
> ---------------------------
> 5.8. Leasing of Internet Number Resources
> In the case of Internet number resources, the justification of the need 
> implies the need to directly connect customers. As a result, any form of IP 
> address leasing is not considered acceptable, nor does it justify the need, 
> if it is not part of a set of services based, at the very least, on direct 
> connectivity. Even for networks that are not connected to the Internet, 
> leasing of IP addresses is not permitted, because such sites can request 
> direct assignments from APNIC or the relevant NIR and, in the case of IPv4, 
> use private addresses or arrange market transfers.
> If any form of leasing is confirmed by an APNIC investigation, APNIC may 
> revoke the IP resources of account holders who are leasing or using them for 
> any purposes not specified in the initial request.
> This includes, but not limited to, the following:
>  - Removing delegations from the Whois database.
>  - Removing related ROAs.
>  - Stop providing APNIC services.
> Members of the NIR are subject to the same policy.
> 5. Advantages / Disadvantages
> -----------------------------
> Advantages:
> Fulfilling the objective above indicated and making the policy clear.
> Disadvantages:
> None.
> 6. Impact on resource holders
> -----------------------------
> None.
> 7. References
> -------------
> https://aus01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.arin.net%2Fparticipate%2Fpolicy%2Fproposals%2F2022%2FARIN_prop_308_v2%2F&amp;data=05%7C01%7C%7C10362f529b0e4536949408da7b677a41%7C127d8d0d7ccf473dab096e44ad752ded%7C0%7C0%7C637957981611076664%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&amp;sdata=uhhDD0kaOyJOxHiWa7Z%2BckfPwe9ohLQsidzS9u4BUHo%3D&amp;reserved=0
> https://aus01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpoliticas.lacnic.net%2Fpoliticas%2Fdetail%2Fid%2FLAC-2022-2%2Flanguage%2Fen&amp;data=05%7C01%7C%7C10362f529b0e4536949408da7b677a41%7C127d8d0d7ccf473dab096e44ad752ded%7C0%7C0%7C637957981611076664%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&amp;sdata=p7nZJRM2zzi2kBOyLeSA%2BOo1qGTU1rBB3VIvQoaLYz0%3D&amp;reserved=0
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> Senior Advisor - Policy and Community Development
> Asia Pacific Network Information Centre (APNIC) |  Tel: +61 7 3858 3100
> PO Box 3646 South Brisbane, QLD 4101 Australia  |  Fax: +61 7 3858 3199
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