Hi Amrita,

Thank you for your queries.

The Secretariat's role in the policy development process is to assist the Open Policy Meetings and SIG Chairs, to facilitate and guide the policy process, to document and publish proposals/policies, and to provide impact assessment.

The secretariat has no say over what should or should not be included in the proposal. It is up to the authors and the community to work on drafting the proposals, whether or not the Secretariat's assessment analysis is considered.


On 24/08/2022 12:50 am, Amrita wrote:

Hi Sunny,

Responses in line.

*From:*Srinivas (Sunny) Chendi <su...@apnic.net>
*Sent:* 23 August 2022 15:52
*To:* JORDI PALET MARTINEZ <jordi.pa...@consulintel.es>; sig-policy@lists.apnic.net *Subject:* [sig-policy] Re: prop-148-v001: Leasing of Resources is not Acceptable

Hi Jordi,

Please see our comments inline...

On 22/08/2022 11:20 pm, JORDI PALET MARTINEZ wrote:

    Hi Sunny, all,

    In my opinion because the policy is just a clarification of a
    fact, it doesn’t change the situation for non-LIR/ISP account
    holders. Further to that, direct assignments from APNIC can’t be
    further sub-assigned, so clearly this disallows any type of
    “business” with addresses for those account holders. Do you think
    that’s sufficiently clear or do you think a small text
    clarification in the proposal is needed?

We are seeking clarification because the current text is not clear enough.

Amrita – we could add as Jordi mentioned small text clarification in the proposal.

    Regarding your 2^nd point, there is not already a generic contact
    email to let know APNIC if anything is wrong regarding policy
    compliance? It will be surprising that today anyone discovers some
    breach and can’t report it, so this will also apply the same to
    this proposal. Again, if you believe a text clarification is
    needed, we can make a new version for that.

We do have generic contact information on the APNIC website here

In the proposed policy solution of this proposal, it says "If any form of leasing is confirmed by an APNIC investigation...", but it does not state that these investigations should be conducted in accordance with the current procedure and refers to this in the policy document, nor does it state whether the Secretariat should proactively identify cases of leasing or only investigate cases that are reported or detected when processing resource requests. So, we are seeking clarification in order to have a clear understanding of this.

Amrita : What we meant is that if any form of leasing is reported to APNIC, then APNIC should investigate as per the present process of investigation adopted by APNIC for any form of abuse/ concern reported. Do you want us to make it explicit in the proposal?

    Finally, regarding your 3^rd question, in my understanding the
    policy manual apply to **all the resources** unless we state
    otherwise. So not only those after being implemented are subjected
    to this proposal. And once more, the proposal is only a
    clarification, not changing what is the current reality. Anyway,
    we are happy to state it more clearly if needed.

As we all know, this is questionable.
In the past, authors either provided clear clarification in their proposal or clarified later after the impact assessment was provided. For example, prop-125, your own proposal, provided a clear clarity with details that were required for everyone's understanding.

Amrita : We will make a change in the text stating that it will be applicable to all  existing allocation. Hope that helps.

APNIC Secretariat





    El 22/8/22, 2:45, "Srinivas (Sunny) Chendi" <su...@apnic.net>

    Hi all,

    This is the secretariat's impact assessment for prop-148-v001,
    which is also
    available on the proposal page.


    APNIC notes that this proposal suggests explicitly stating in the
    Internet Number Resources policy document that leasing of IP
    addresses is
    not permitted in the APNIC region.


    Is this proposal restricted to LIRs/ISPs, or does it apply to all
    account holders?

    The proposal does not specify how an APNIC investigation should be
    Should there be a form to report this, similar to IRT escalation?

    Does this proposal apply to all existing allocations or only those
    after the policy is implemented?


    This proposal may require changes to the system.

    If this proposal reaches consensus, implementation may be
    completed within
    3 months.

    APNIC Secretariat

    On 11/08/2022 5:01 pm, chku wrote:

        Dear SIG members,

        The proposal "prop-148: Leasing of Resources is not Acceptable" has been

        sent to the Policy SIG for review.

        It will be presented at the Open Policy Meeting (OPM) at APNIC 54 on

        Thursday, 15 September 2022.


        We invite you to review and comment on the proposal on the mailing list

        before the OPM.

        The comment period on the mailing list before the OPM is an important

        part of the Policy Development Process (PDP). We encourage you to

        express your views on the proposal:

           - Do you support or oppose this proposal?

           - Does this proposal solve a problem you are experiencing? If so,

             tell the community about your situation.

           - Do you see any disadvantages in this proposal?

           - Is there anything in the proposal that is not clear?

           - What changes could be made to this proposal to make it more 

        Information about this proposal is appended below as well as available 



        Bertrand, Shaila, and Ching-Heng

        APNIC Policy SIG Chairs


        prop-148-v001: Leasing of Resources is not Acceptable


        Proposer: Jordi Palet Martinez (jordi.palet@theipv6company.comAnupam)

                   Amrita Choudhury (amritachoudh...@ccaoi.in)

                   Fernando Frediani (fhfred...@gmail.com)

        1. Problem statement


        RIRs have been conceived to manage, allocate and assign resources 
according to need, in such way that a LIR/ISP has addresses to be able to 
directly connect its customers based on justified need. Addresses are not, 
therefore, a property with which to trade or do business.

        When the justification of the need disappears or changes, for whatever 
reasons, the expected thing would be to return said addresses to the RIR, 
otherwise according to Section 4.1. (“The original basis of the delegation 
remains valid”) and 4.1.2. (“Made for a specific purpose that no longer exists, 
or based on information that is later found to be false or incomplete”) of the 
policy manual, APNIC is not enforced to renew the license. An alternative is to 
transfer these resources using the appropriate transfer policy.

        If the leasing of addresses is authorized, contrary to the original 
spirit of the policies and the very existence of the RIRs, the link between 
connectivity and addresses disappears, which also poses security problems, 
since, in the absence of connectivity, the resource holder who has received the 
license to use the addresses does not have immediate physical control to 
manage/filter them, which can cause damage to the entire community.

        Therefore, it should be made explicit in the Policies that the Internet Resources 
should not be leased "per se", but only as part of a direct connectivity 

        The existing policies of APNIC are not explicit about that, however 
current policies do not regard the leasing of addresses as acceptable, if they 
are not an integral part of a connectivity service. Specifically, the 
justification of the need would not be valid for those blocks of addresses 
whose purpose is not to directly connect customers of an LIR/ISP, and 
consequently the renewal of the annual license for the use of the addresses 
would not be valid either. Sections 3.2.6. (Address ownership), 3.2.7. (Address 
stockpiling) and 3.2.8. (Reservations not supported) of the policy manual, are 
keys on this issue, but an explicit clarification is required.

        2. Objective of policy change


        Despite the fact that the intention in this regard underlies the entire 
Policy Manual text and is thus applied to justify the need for resources, this 
proposal makes this aspect explicit by adding the appropriate clarifying text.

        3. Situation in other regions


        In other RIRs, the leasing of addresses is not authorized either and 
since it is not explicit in their policy manuals either, this proposal will be 
presented as well.

        Nothing is currently mentioned in RIPE about this and it is not 
acceptable as a justification of the need. In AFRINIC and LACNIC, the staff has 
confirmed that address leasing is not considered as valid for the 
justification. In ARIN it is not considered valid as justification of need.

        A similar proposal is under discussion in LACNIC and ARIN.

        4. Proposed policy solution


        5.8. Leasing of Internet Number Resources

        In the case of Internet number resources, the justification of the need 
implies the need to directly connect customers. As a result, any form of IP 
address leasing is not considered acceptable, nor does it justify the need, if 
it is not part of a set of services based, at the very least, on direct 
connectivity. Even for networks that are not connected to the Internet, leasing 
of IP addresses is not permitted, because such sites can request direct 
assignments from APNIC or the relevant NIR and, in the case of IPv4, use 
private addresses or arrange market transfers.

        If any form of leasing is confirmed by an APNIC investigation, APNIC 
may revoke the IP resources of account holders who are leasing or using them 
for any purposes not specified in the initial request.

        This includes, but not limited to, the following:

          - Removing delegations from the Whois database.

          - Removing related ROAs.

          - Stop providing APNIC services.

        Members of the NIR are subject to the same policy.

        5. Advantages / Disadvantages



        Fulfilling the objective above indicated and making the policy clear.



        6. Impact on resource holders



        7. References





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    Srinivas (Sunny) Chendi (he/him)

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    Asia Pacific Network Information Centre (APNIC) |  Tel: +61 7 3858 3100

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Srinivas (Sunny) Chendi (he/him)
Senior Advisor - Policy and Community Development
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PO Box 3646 South Brisbane, QLD 4101 Australia  |  Fax: +61 7 3858 3199
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Srinivas (Sunny) Chendi (he/him)
Senior Advisor - Policy and Community Development

Asia Pacific Network Information Centre (APNIC) |  Tel: +61 7 3858 3100
PO Box 3646 South Brisbane, QLD 4101 Australia  |  Fax: +61 7 3858 3199
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