Thank you, Vivek.

Aftab, so what I understand is, new IXPs will be at a disadvantage compared
to other new applicants. Others can get a /23 initial, IXPs get a /26.

You had mentioned that this proposal would encourage IXs.

On Tue, 12 Sep 2023, 13:29 Vivek Nigam, <> wrote:

> Hi Sanjeev,
> 1. We don't have a separate pool for IXP delegations.
> 2. Based on recent delegation trends, APNIC and NIRs combined delegate
> about 280 /24's each month.
> Thanks
> Vivek
> *From: *Sanjeev Gupta <>
> *Date: *Monday, 11 September 2023 at 2:35 pm
> *To: *sig-policy <>
> *Cc: *Aftab Siddiqui <>
> *Subject: *[sig-policy] Re: New version: prop-154: Resizing of IPv4
> assignment for the IXPs
> Would the APNIC Secetariat please clarify (for IPv4):
>    1. Are IXP allocations made from a separate pool?  If so,
>    1. What is the free size of the pool
>       2. What is the rate of depletion
>    1. What is the rate of depletion of the general (final /8) pool?
> I am trying to understand what we will achieve by holding IXP allocations
> to a tighter standard (/26) than general new signups, which get a /23
> anyway.
> --
> Sanjeev Gupta
> +65 98551208
> <>
> On Sat, Sep 9, 2023 at 7:07 AM Shaila Sharmin <
>> wrote:
> Dear SIG members,
> A new version of the proposal "prop-154: Resizing of IPv4 assignment for
> the IXPs"
> has been sent to the Policy SIG for review.
> Information about earlier versions is available from:
> You are encouraged to express your views on the proposal:
>   - Do you support or oppose the proposal?
>   - Is there anything in the proposal that is not clear?
>   - What changes could be made to this proposal to make it more effective?
> Please find the text of the proposal below.
> Regards,
> Bertrand, Shaila, and Anupam
> APNIC Policy SIG Chairs
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> prop-154-v002: Resizing of IPv4 assignment for the IXPs
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Proposer: Simon Sohel Baroi (
>        Aftab Siddiqui
> 1. Problem statement
> --------------------
> According to APNIC Internet Number Resource Policies ( Ref – APNIC-127,
> Dated: 22 DEC, 2022 ), an Internet Exchange Point ( IXP ) is eligible to
> receive a maximum /23 of IPv4 and /48 of IPv6 resources. Usually APNIC
> assign one /24 to start a new IXP. But from analysis through PeeringDB,
> we found most of places the resources have been underutilized and new
> IXPs are wasting a large amount of valuable IPv4 space. On the other
> side there are large IXP, who can’t grow due to lack of IP resources,
> where /23 is not enough as the membership size is big. The size of the
> minimum and maximum range of IP delegation to new or existing IXPs is
> the main problem in the current policy.
> Present IXP Status in APAC region from PeeringDB [5] :
> +-------------------+-------+------------+-------+---------------------------+
> |      IX Names     | Peers | ....Vs.... | Peers |          IX
> Names         |
> +-------------------+-------+ +-------+---------------------------+
> | BBIX Tokyo        |  299  |            |   17  |
> BBIX-Thailand             |
> +-------------------+-------+ +-------+---------------------------+
> | JPIX TOKYO        |  257  |            |   3   |
> MekongIX                  |
> +-------------------+-------+ +-------+---------------------------+
> | Equinix Tokyo     |  131  |            |   2   | Equinix
> Mumbai            |
> +-------------------+-------+ +-------+---------------------------+
> | JPNAP Tokyo       |  211  |            |   13  | npIX
> JWL                  |
> +-------------------+-------+ +-------+---------------------------+
> | HKIX              |  296  |            |   3   | Vanuatu Internet
> Exchange |
> +-------------------+-------+ +-------+---------------------------+
> | Equinix Hong Kong |  216  |            |   4   |
> MyNAP                     |
> +-------------------+-------+ +-------+---------------------------+
> | Equinix Singapore |  422  |            |   25  | DE-CIX Kuala
> Lumpur       |
> +-------------------+-------+ +-------+---------------------------+
> | IIX-Jakarta       |  449  |            |   13  |
> IIX-Lampung               |
> +-------------------+-------+ +-------+---------------------------+
> | DECIX-Mumbai      |  446  |            |   14  | Decix
> Kolkata             |
> +-------------------+-------+ +-------+---------------------------+
> | MegaIX Sydney     |  232  |            |   46  | EdgeIX -
> Melbourne        |
> +-------------------+-------+------------+-------+---------------------------+
> 2. Objective of policy change
> -----------------------------
> The objective of this proposal is to modify the default size of IPv4
> assignments for IXPs from up to /23 to /26, which can receive a
> replacement up to a maximum of a /22, provided the IXP returns the IPv4
> address space previously assigned to them.
> 3. Situation in other regions
> -----------------------------
> Similar policy has been adopted by RIPE NCC ( ripe-733 :  IPv4 Address
> Allocation and Assignment Policies for the RIPE NCC Service Region ) [4]
> 4. Proposed policy solution
> ---------------------------
> Current Policy text :
> 6.2.4. IPv4 for Internet Exchange Points
> Internet Exchange Points (IXP) are eligible to receive a delegation from
> APNIC to be used exclusively to connect the IXP participant devices to
> the Exchange Point.
> Global routability of the delegation is left to the discretion of the
> IXP and its participants.
> New Policy text :
> 6.2.4. IPv4 for Internet Exchange Points
> By default, a /26 of IPv4 address block will be assigned to the new IXPs.
> IXPs can seek an assignment of up to a /25 when they can justify having
> more than 60 peers on the IXP fabric (peering LAN) in the next 12 months.
> IXPs can seek an assignment of up to a /23 or current highest assignment
> size when they can justify having more than 100 peers on the IXP fabric
> (peering LAN) in the next 12 months.
> An IXP which received an assignment less than /24 can request up to /23
> IPv4, only if 60% of the original assignment has been used. The existing
> assignment must be returned by the IXP within 3 months of the new
> assignment.
> Existing Large IXPs that already have used their maximum assignment of
> /23 from current policy can request a contiguous block (if available) of
> /22, only if they have already used 60% of existing assignment. The
> existing assignment must be returned by the IXP within 3 months of the
> new assignment.
> Any existing IXP that wants to open new POPs can request for more IPv4
> addresses (which will be allocated using the same principle as defined
> above /26 and /25) as long as the total allocation doesn’t exceed /22.
> Any resources assigned under this policy will not be announced in the
> global routing table (mistakes are exempted) and must be used for IXP
> peering only, in case otherwise the resources will be revoked by APNIC.
> Global routability of the delegation outside this policy is left to the
> discretion of the IXP and its participants.
> Any resources assigned under this policy will be non-transferable.
> Recommendation - APNIC should reserve up to /20 for IXPs under this policy
> 5. Advantages / Disadvantages
> -----------------------------
> Advantages:
> This proposal will ensure rapid expansion of IXPs in terms of membership
> and POP numbers for this region and smoothen allocation of IPv4.
> Reducing the default assignment size to /26 would stop wasting a large
> amount of valuable IPv4 space. Increasing the allocation size will help
> the IXPs add more members in fabric very easily.
> Disadvantages:
> When the IXP operator jumps into a bigger block of IPv4 and returns the
> existing one, then they might be required to renumber all routers
> connected to that IXP fabric (peering LAN).
> 6. Impact on APNIC
> ------------------
> The IXP who already became an APNIC member and has less IPv4 Resources
> can also apply for maximum delegation for their expansion.
> 7. References
> -------------
> [1] Section 6.2.4. IPv4 for Internet Exchange Points.
> [2] Section 9.1.3. IPv6 for Internet Exchange Points.
> [3] Section 11.1.2. Conditions on source of the transfer
> [4] IPv4 Address Allocation and Assignment Policies for the RIPE NCC
> Service Region
> <>
> [5] PeeringDB :
> <>
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