Hehehe... jadi ge-er dibilang ganteng. Tp Kang Iwan, kalo begitu sebelum 
belajar getaran, harus minta buka cakra dulu donk sama pak khusnul? 

Lagian kyknya gak bisa deh belajar getaran utk liat cdnya cewek, karena 
"kesaktian hanya akan hinggap pada mereka yg berbudi-luhur". Ingat kan ini 
omongan siapa? :)   

On 04/26/2007 10:40 pm, iwan setiawan wrote:
> Mas...mas piye sampeyan iki...? kalo orang mau belajar bela diri maka
> getaran adalah "bonus akhir" dari hasil kerja keras dan latihan....maka
> akan dapet istilah "bisa membela diri meski dalam gelap"....nah begitu juga
> kalo belajar pengerasan otot biar kuat...nantinya dalam membela diri kalo
> terbentur tidak cidera...gitu
>   biasanya kalo ada yang hanya mempelajari getaran tho....maka yang lain
> biasanya jeblok...kalo cuma power yang dia genjot maka speed dia
> keteter...nah kalo ada orang belum berlatih fisik dan belum tercapai
> levelnya maka adalah sangat mungkin getaran tak akan mencapai targetnya.
> Selain itu tiap orang akan ada cocok dan tidak cocok....atau jodoh dan
> tidak jodohnya dalam menuntut ilmu...misalnya, sekalipun mas Amal itu
> ganteng... kalo disuruh belajar beladirinya Sumo saya yakin andaikan
> dipaksakan itu tak akan membuat beliau mencapai taraf yang
> diinginkan....itu selain tak jodoh juga tak cocok....begitu juga
> getaran....tidak semua orang bisa dalam menguasai getaran....begitu juga
> saudara kita yang tuna netra....ada faktor lain yang tak dibahas dalam
> perguruan, atau oleh para senior.....nah coba perhatikan kenapa kalo yang
> demo getaran orangnya dia lagi dia lagi...dari tiap cabang do'i lagi do'i
> lagi ....dan tidak setiap senior atau semua yang melakukan demo pemukulan,
> atau demo tata gerak juga turut demo getaran khan? itu menandakan adanya
> spesialisasi tiap orang....
>   jadi kesimpulannya hanya yang "sama frekuensi"nya (minjam istilah pak
> Khusnul) yang akan bisa menguasai getaran dengan baik selain itu juga
> faktor yang tak kalah pentingnya pembukaan cakra.....meski anda belajar
> bertahun tahun kalo cakra mahkota dan ajna tidak terbuka/dibuka ....maka
> kalo mati lampu anda akan tetap harus pake korek api.....!
>   sebetulnya ilmu ini sangat berguna membantu mereka yang tuna netra....
> tapi bukan bikin ngeliat..!!! dan buat anda...ya bisa iseng iseng nebak /
> "liat" kartu kalo lagi maen kartu...atau jeleknya....liat CD cewek!!
>   wans (belum merasa perlu belajar ini...)
>   Eko Hadi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>           Mas Iwan S ..... bisa tambah saran dan kesannya ...
> Eko Hadi S
> Corporate Legal & Compliance
> Telp: 021-3916160, Ext.212
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Zonny
> To: silatindonesia@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2007 2:54 PM
> Subject: RE: [silatindonesia] (Was) Bambu Kuning -----------MP juga kena
> kok
> kebetulan saya pernah belajar di MP sewaktu kuliah di bandung, meski
> tingkat sy masih cupu jd belum diajarkan yg seperti2 ini. ilmu getaran
> sering di demo kan kalau ada acara2 (ulang tahun mp dll), cuma memang yg
> bisa (baca: jago) cuma sedikit dan tidak rata di semua kolat, entah
> mengapa.
> peace
> _____
> From: Selamet Syahril (Traincom - HO) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2007 2:04 PM
> To: silatindonesia@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [silatindonesia] (Was) Bambu Kuning -----------MP juga kena kok
> Bukan cuma kasus bambu kuning saja.
> Perguruan Merpati Putih pun sempat "dipermalukan"
> silakan lihat di
> http://www.randi. <http://www.randi.org/jr/10-16-2000.html>
> -org/jr/10--16-2000.html
> ............-.........-.........-.........-.........-.........-.........-..
>. ......
> Professor John Sohl has been kind enough to supply us with a report on the
> recent preliminary testing of the Indonesian claimants for the JREF
> million-dollar prize. Through their two American representatives, these
> folks applied in the regular way, submitting the notarized application
> form, and we arranged for representatives -- including Professor Sohl -- to
> conduct the preliminary test. As we announced last week, they failed the
> test.
> I will briefly outline here a few of the expected "hallmarks" of this
> procedure as they took place in Utah at the Ott Planetarium of Weber State
> University at Ogden. In the pre-trial demonstration, which I had suggested
> so that their regular operating methods could be clearly seen, and at which
> they would be very successful, they achieved 100 percent results using
> their own blindfolds and their own blindfolding techniques. That was to be
> expected, of course. Though the "Master" performer of the group simply
> refused to be tested, a student with "over 20 years of Vibravision
> experience" did submit to examination.
> In the preliminary test, done under the conditions chosen by the claimants,
> the results for 100 percent correct. At that point, proper blindfolds were
> applied to conduct the formal preliminary tests. To quote Professor Sohl,
> the "subject voiced repeated concern about the blindfold and was clearly
> concerned about it. After over 45 minutes of delays, he managed to free the
> blindfold enough to see (which is caught completely on video tape). The
> clearly-loose blindfold was reapplied at which point the subject became
> distressed again. Finally, after many more delays the subject ran the test
> . . ." After a series of delays totaling over an hour, the results were
> three correct out of 19 trials, while the odds by chance alone would have
> called for 3.2 correct.
> This is what always happens during these preliminary tests. No one has yet
> passed any preliminary tests for the JREF prize. What made this set of
> tests of particular importance was that the two American sponsors had
> invested a total of $80,000 in these claimants, thoroughly confident that
> they would win the prize. Though Andrew Harter and myself tried to warn the
> Americans not to make such an investment, our pleas -- as they say -- fell
> on deaf ears.
> We want to thank sincerely all those who were involved in acting on behalf
> of the JREF to conduct this test. I'm sure there was a certain amount of
> dismay on their part when they saw the extreme disillusionment of the
> sponsors. I have assured them however that those who were deceived always
> manage to make adjustments in their thinking, and can rationalize away such
> failures for reasons that have nothing to do with whether or not they were
> cheated, lied to, or swindled. We can look forward to hearing from the
> Americans that they are still convinced of the magical powers of these
> martial artists - who have obviously discovered that there is more
> advantage in promoting nonsense and superstition than in teaching a
> legitimate art.
> You may wish to go to www.merpatiputih.-com, the web page of
> I. G. M. P., and see just how much they will charge to teach blind people
> to see. It amounts to $116,500 for the full course. To quote their
> advertisement:
> Objects around us generate vibrations and ILMU GETARAN MERPATI PUTIH relies
> on our innate ability to detect the vibrations of objects nearby. This
> ability or sense can be improved by practice.
> Well, 20 years of practice doesn't seem to have improved the Indonesian
> practitioner who performed for the preliminary test in Utah. He did no
> better than a Chinese fortune cookie. And just why didn't the "Master" of
> these performers allow himself to be tested? There has to be a very good
> reason for that, though the believers will reason around it. This group is
> very similar to the Mexicans I tested some years ago on Japanese
> television, in that they, too, claim that they can teach the blind to see.
> This is a cruel hoax and deception. We at the JREF are very distressed to
> know that these things are going on, and that we are essentially powerless
> to stop them.
> ............-.........-.........-.........-.........-.........-.........-..
>. ......
> I offer you this photo snapped in a U.K. bookshop, and sent to us by a
> reader. The book, "Supernatural A to Z" is the U.K. edition of my
> "Encyclopedia of the Claims, Frauds & Hoaxes of the Occult and
> Supernatural.-" What company we keep!
> ............-.........-.........-.........-.........-.........-.........-..
>. ......
> Finally, it's puzzle time.
> Situation: Stan, a young chap living in Manhattan right near a subway stop
> that goes north-and-south (uptown-and--downtown) is fortunate enough to
> have two equally attractive and single girlfriends, one who lives in the
> Bronx (north on the subway) named Nora, and the other in Brooklyn (south on
> the subway) named Sophie. (Names have been changed to protect the
> innocent). Stan really can't make up his mind which of these two lovelies
> he will ask to marry him. And, when he visits one of them, he never
> announces that he's going to be there, because he's part of this puzzle,
> and it wouldn't work if he didn't behave that way.
> Trains in each direction arrive once an hour. Trains bound for the Bronx
> always arrive at 10 minutes past the hour, and Brooklyn trains always
> arrive on the hour. (Obviously, this is a fictional situation, because I
> know from long experience that you'd never encounter such regularity on the
> NYC subway system.) But this schedule hasn't dawned on Stan, who just goes
> into the subway station at any old time, waits on the upper platform until
> he hears a train (Bronx- or Brooklyn-bound, he doesn't care) pulling into
> the station. At that point he goes to the train that's arrived, boards it,
> and goes to see the lady who resides in the direction the train is
> traveling.
> We introduce here the wise opinion of our consulting psychologist, who
> opines that the lady Stan sees most often will undoubtedly be the one he
> ends up marrying. We will take that as a valid point.
> Who will Stan marry? And, part two, what are the exact mathematical chances
> that he will marry that girl?
> .
> <http://geo.yahoo.com/serv?s=97359714/grpId=7727165/grpspId=1705068802/msgI
>d =3793/stime=1177571010/nc1=4438963/nc2=4430620/nc3=3858789>
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