Hi Langy

I suggest you find an accountant that can grow with you - tell them
you want to start off small but you will be growing.

As Elias says, it is actually more of a tax issue than anything else.

Your accountant should be able to advise you on the following:

1) When best to transition from sole trader - pty ltd. I guess
irrelevant to you since you are a PTY etc.
2) How much of your earnings to retain, and how much to "pay
yourself".  This is quite dependant on what you want to do with your
business.  Since if instead of "paying yourself" you can use the money
in the business, you get the deduction and you pay less personal tax
on it.  The benefit in theory is increased equity and ultimate cash
flow. Downside is you don't get the money.

I hope this helps :)

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