Since no one seems to have mentioned it already, please read the book
"producing open source software". Its freely available at It has a large focus on some of the mechanics and
processes of running an OS project, but there is a good section in the
beginning that discusses WHY someone might want to open source their code.

I'm quite interested in this topic, and when I have a bit more time I will
read through the whole thread and add a more detailed answer.

-Ryan Cross

On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 4:19 PM, mmp1 <> wrote:

> The other night I was looking at some code we have, and I am
> considering open sourcing it.
> What i am interested in is some input into why a company would look at
> open sourcing some code (apart from just making the world a better
> place).
> When does it make sense ?
> What license models work and why ?  any good books / articles on the
> economics of open source ?
> (I personally don't like the GPL / AGPL licences - they limit people
> actually leveraging any work they put in - it seems free, but its
> not.  Its a look but pay to use model.  I personally like say an LGPL
> model (changes to core system have to be given back, but you can use
> it as you wish).
> I would also like feedback from others on the following :
> The code I am considering unplugging is a database + api and
> eventually a gui (its a bit rough at the moment, we are about to start
> putting a nice GWT front end on it ) that is used to manage sets of
> configuration properties and apply ACL's (very flexible - can be used
> for role based or say an NT based security model) over the data and
> properties.  Currently we expose this as a server.  The server can be
> deployed in nodes  (ie. you can run a local node per web server that
> is used for reading), and updates are done on the master.  This works
> fine as the rate of data change is tiny, and the most I have ever seen
> these sort of databases grow to for even large organizations is say
> about 10MB so DB sync is easy.
> Its the sort of thing you see/ use all the time - ie. when you use the
> admin interface say in joomla - most of it is a property / security
> management system.  If you have ever used any enterprise systems (ie.
> say configuration of a cisco call manager instance - you again update
> properties based on permissions).  Its when you want have a manager to
> login and only see some of the config options, and only allow updates
> to others (say the roster times for their users) but an admin can
> login and see way more.  It can be great for data validation in web
> apps - can only read properties your user has permission for and the
> web app doesn't have to worry about it.  How many organizations ask
> "can we have the change history" of properties ?  its that sort of
> thing.
> In fact i know I have had to deal with this issue on existing
> commercial applications I have been part of as well as in house
> systems i have seen.
> In some ways the solution seems very LDAP like.  In fact I am sure you
> could use LDAP, except making LDAP easy enough to configure so someone
> like your mum could use doesn't seem to exist (if anyone knows of a
> web based interface to LDAP that is so easy my mum could probably use
> it, let me know).
> In fact, my feeling is that just about any sort of enterprise system
> seems to use such a system.  My thinking is that with software as a
> service becoming popular, it might help if we have a base set of
> servers/api's to manage this stuff without rolling your own every
> time.
> Now, I know things like spring-security-acl is a basic database and
> api set, but i don't know of any nice gui's available to use as basis
> for a backend admin system (Doesn't anyone know of any ?).
> I also see Seam is looking at integrating some sort of similar
> functionality off the shelf.
> Now my thoughts last night were - why do we have to maintain something
> which doesn't really differentiate our product that much (most
> products that need such a system, usually have something).  (okay, we
> have a few "tricks" in it - the acl algorthim is pretty cool - very
> very fast, both to apply and to read/write and its very comprehensive
> at the moment - handles nested group memberships etc.).  Its important
> to our product service offering, but I don't think its core.  What is
> the term - undifferentiated heavy lifting ?
> Would such a system be worth open sourcing ?  Are there already
> similar system out there (this is hard to google on - putting the key
> word configuration or management etc gets too many wrong hits to find
> anything).
> Ideas /feedback ?
> >

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