I am curious.

Person A owns a company A Pty Ltd.
They also work for an employer ABC pty ltd.

ABC decides to sell part their company.  What's wrong with person A buying
part of company's ABC Pty Ltd via their investment company A pty ltd just
like they may buy anything else? shares, property, cars, etc.

Isn't the value of what an item is worth really what one is prepared to buy
it for?

On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 10:55 PM, Jeromy Evans <
jeromy.ev...@blueskyminds.com.au> wrote:

> On Feb 23, 11:51 am, Clifford Heath <clifford.he...@gmail.com> wrote:
> ...
> > Anyhow, that was the situation before the last round of changes. In
> > this context,
> > can someone clarify what the changes were, and when tax is payable?
> >
> Division 83A introduced the new rules for shares or rights acquired by
> employees after 1 July 2009.  The details are here:
> http://www.ato.gov.au/individuals/content.asp?doc=/content/24703.htm
> In my specific circumstances (sweat equity), the stock issued to me
> was assessed as personal income in my personal tax assessment 2009 and
> 2010.
> --
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