Hi Mikal,

As in my reply to your email I am not looking to create a new product
with google merely trying to find out who I can talk to about
generating more search income for them.

Thanks for the blog article anway.


On Jun 7, 9:16 am, Michael Still <mi...@stillhq.com> wrote:
> On 6/6/11 4:56 PM, Humphrey wrote:
> > Hi All,
> > I am testing the waters on a new project and would really appreciate
> > it if anyone has a direct contact within Google Sydney HQ who deals
> > with earning cash from embedding Google Search Box.
> > I have read about Adsense for Search and Adsense for Content but I was
> > looking more people involved in large deals with massive Publishers.
> I'd be surprised if you're going to get much help with a request this
> vague. Alan Noble had an interesting post about this the other day:
> http://techchomp.blogspot.com/2011/05/so-you-wanna-do-business-with-g...
> In a company of 26,000 people, its hard to route requests which are this
> poorly defined. Are you talking about adding a custom search box to an
> existing site? There should be public docs online detailing how to do that.
> Cheers,
> Mikal

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