

Look, Pia has been involved in the Hacker Community for over ten years now,
I've worked along side her at Linux Australia and I'm pretty damn sure that
she knows what the term "hacker" means.

If all you're going to do is troll (something you seem to enjoy doing),
then may I suggest you keep it to yourself?

If you want to engage constructively, then by all means join in.w
On May 8, 2012 8:47 AM, "David Lyon" <>

> Hi Craig,
> Governments in Australia like my hacking when it suits them.
> I once suggested hacking a German Desalination plant design
> to accept renewable energy inputs. That was found a useful hack.
> These last few months I hacked some cars to accept water as
> an input for lowering of the carbon emissions following a request
> for industry to do that by the PM in that well advertised campaign
> they were running before that pretty much everybody in the country
> saw.
> We in Industry put in the time effort and skill to do what the
> govt asked us to do.
> Now when I ask, "Can I bring my hacking along?" I'm told
> that those things are not constructive. And what was asked
> to be hacked is now not on the acceptable hacking list anymore.
> Oh well.
>  --
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