On 27/06/06 11:53 +0100, Ashish Gulhati wrote:
> >investing in
> >"basic social services" like education, health, water and sanitation.
> The free market does a way better job of providing all of the above  
> (if left free to do so) than any government bureaucracy ever has or ever
> will.  Evidence for this abounds.

Counter evidence: The US and Canadian health systems. Mass transit in
Mumbai against private transport in Delhi, or Bangalore. The public
Internet (Remember X.25?). Pollution control (yay! for the gas guzzler
selling automobile industry.). You see, some things need to be done
unprofitably under any circumstances. Because the cost of not doing them
is far higher. Capitalism fails under such circumstances.

Whenever you need to sink in really large volumes of money with risky,
very long terms returns, a government works better than private
enterprise (which tends to inflate the value of short term results over
long term gains).

Bureaucracy, OTOH, sucks. Everywhere.

Devdas Bhagat

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