P.S. For those of us who live in the US and who were ecstatic to hear that
Indian mangoes are now available in the US (but haven't yet seen them in
stores), Rasika has a Alphonso-mangoes-with-cardamom-flavored-ice-cream

On 5/30/07, Dave Kumar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

In my opinion, your best bets in DC/Arlington are all in DC -- Rasika (6th
and D downtown, near the Verizon Center), Indique on Connecticut in
Cleveland Park, and Heritage India on Wisconsin in Glover Park (the
original, not the newer branch near Dupont Circle).  Heritage India was for
a long time the most widely recommended Indian rest. in the District -- I
haven't been there in a while, but it was good when I went there, although
the service was pretty bad. Indique opened a few years ago and usually gets
good reviews -- their "small plates" appetizers are a nice and welcome
innovation. Rasika is the new kid on the block, and has been very well
received since it opened -- it even made several nationwide "Best New
Restaurants" lists. While I've heard some negative reactions, most
responses, including my own, have been very positive. One thing about
Rasika, though, is that it is somewhat expensive -- it is one of those
places where you're paying not just for the food, but also for being at a
trendy restaurant with a beautiful setting and an excellent cocktail

I guess there's also Bombay Club, but I've never thought the food was
anywhere close to worth the price (and I'm also not a fan of Indian
restaurants whose decor evokes the Raj).

Not sure about Arlington -- a friend said good things about a place in
Clarendon that opened within the last couple of years or so, but I haven't
been and I'm not sure I'd take my friend's word as gold when it comes to
Indian food.

DK, de-lurking briefly, but hopefully back soon with other posts

On 5/30/07, Dan Moniz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Speaking of food, I wonder, can anyone recommend good Indian
> restaurants in the Northern Virginia (primarily Arlington, VA) and
> Washington, DC area? Preferably ones you or someone whose culinary
> tastes you trust have dined at.
> I ask because earlier today in another forum, I was recommending some
> other places to eat that I liked to someone else, and I made a note
> that I had found no worthwhile Indian places yet. The few that I've
> been to (notably not any in DC lately, just ones in NoVA) have been
> either roundly awful or, at best, fall severely short of the hype seen
> in reviews of them.
> Thanks in advance!
> --
> Dan Moniz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> ]

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