On Saturday 14 Jul 2007 9:10 am, Abhijit Menon-Sen wrote:
> > At best the concept of "India" among Indians was a loose and tenuous
> > concept, but the point is the concept was not absent.
> No, but it's probably a much more modern concept than you're giving it
> credit for. (But making it, and other things associated with Hinduism,
> seem more ancient is a favourite pastime of the RSS loony fringe.)

Please elaborate on this part of your sentence: "probably a much more modern 
concept than you're giving it credit for." 

Specifically, how did you weigh the amount of credit I am giving the issue, 
based on my statement,  and how "probable" is your opinion? What degree of 
relevance can I give to your sentence based on the paradigm you use to 
attribute a  measure of relevance to a fundamentally vague statement from me?

Naturally, you will oppose anything that sounds like what is stated by whoever 
you consider part of a lunatic fringe, but I would appreciate something more 
that your personal likes and dislikes.

I was vague to start with because I cannot be more precise. You are vaguely 
opposed to what I said, and the only tangible reason you have stated is that 
my statements sounds like it might be from a lunatic fringe.

> > It was utilized, as I said, by both Vivekananda and Gandhi
> Why wasn't it utilised by, say, Ashoka?
> I can think of a number of rulers who could have benefited from playing
> up the vaguest hint of a linking factor in trying to keep their empires
> together, and who did in fact play up *other* factors to this end. Why
> wouldn't they use vague feelings of national identity if they existed?
> Why did those empires always fall apart without strict military control,
> and the same smaller kingdoms always emerge from the debris?

In the absence of historical records, why something was "not done" by someone 
in history is a matter of pure conjecture. Kindly tell me what your 
conjecture might be on this issue? Unless of course you are actually able to 
quote sources, although I would appreciate quotes rather than a request to 
read an entire book to see your viewpoint.

In particular, which smaller kingdoms emerged from which empires over what 


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