Reading the article, I cannot help feel that this statement of ......."Even
the dirty, black-spotted onions serve a function. For the average Indian,
dusty and dirty produce means fresh from the farm, he says."..... - is a
cover-up for the mix of good, not so good and bad stuff (all in the same
basket / barrel) that Big / Food Bazaar is pushing more often lately.
Bottom-line, the quality of products and produce there has gone down from
what it was earlier.  I wonder whether stocking packaged products dirty on
the outside, greasy cooking oil sachets, partially torn-out labels are part
of the 'making it chaotic' plan.  Anyone who has been to any of their
'Annual Sales' or even casually looked up their electronics section would
have noticed that a lot of the so-called branded goods selling at 'highly'
discounted prices are actually scratched, dented at places and were possibly
on display / demonstration in other stores.

I hasten to add that I have only been inside 2 of the Big / Food Bazaar
stores - the ones in Gurgaon and Noida, New Delhi.

In the long run isn't the "India Two: the drivers, maids, cooks, nannies,
farmers and others who serve India One" more likely to return to the types
of - a lane dedicated to a vegetable seller collective...  In fact, in
Delhi, there are temporary fairs / bazaars that are held on the road-side
one day of the week in various areas across the city - where the 'India Two'
and the lower-middle class people normally shop and get their best bargain.

my 2p


On Thu, 9 Aug 2007 16:09:35 +0530, "Srini Ramakrishnan" <[EMAIL 

Let's never go shopping together, emmm ok?
> I'd prefer a pleasant shop assistant who knows his trade, and goods that
> are neatly stocked for convenience. I don't particularly fancy the Reliance
> stores which are similarly quite cramped and limited in choice. It's a sad
> commentary on the state of affairs in Hyderabad that these stores I detest
> are in fact some of the better places to shop.
> There is a lane dedicated to a vegetable seller collective in Rajajinagar
> in Bangalore that is quite neat and offers plenty of choice at great prices
> and quality without any haggling. That is the real India too, not Biyani's
> manufactured chaos.
> Cheeni
> On 8/9/07, ashok _ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I know I am in a minroty, but I kinda agree with the guy.
> > I personally hate supermarkets and shopping malls; people driving around
> > slowly looking for a parking slot; various
> > people in promotional gear shoving soaps and creams up my nose, none of
> > which i really want ; spotless aisles neatly
> > ordered by brand and color. and there is always this category of music
> > playing in the backgroud.... "mall music" ?
> > give me the filth and the cholestrol and sugar and caffeine laden drinks
> and
> > the no-returns policy. And I quite like
> > the suspicious store owner, simply because he gives me the right to be
> > extremely rude to him.
> >
> >
> > On 8/9/07, Madhu Menon wrote:
> > >
> > > You guys should read this article before the link dies (it's good only
> > > for a week):
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > An interesting user experience-related issue.
> > >
> > >
> >
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