i'm not sure what is sillier: the dutch testing potential immigrants'
reactions to images of topless women sunbathing and gay men kissing [1],
or the americans asking a world-famous (english) columnist to spell "i
want to be a good american" in order to get US citizenship [2].


Roger Cohen in the IHT writes:
NEW YORK: When I became a U.S. citizen a few years back, I was not asked
the meaning of Thanksgiving, but I was asked why the Civil War was
fought and was made to take an English test in the form of a dictation.

The first sentence of the dictation was: "I want to be a good American."
When the immigration officer was satisfied I had spelled this correctly,
she read out the second sentence: "I plan to work very hard every day."

1. http://www.iht.com/articles/2006/03/16/news/dutch.php
2. http://www.iht.com/articles/2007/11/21/opinion/edcohen.php

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