Udhay Shankar N wrote: [ on 11:39 AM 11/19/2007 ]

So, I think it should be all right to go with twin-sharing, yes?

Show of hands of who's staying overnight?

OK, couple more admin points:

Fireflies is expecting 10-15 people to show up around 11:30 AM on 1st December; and ~10 people to stay over. Contact details: Manjula / Eugene, (+91-80) 3292-5297.

This would be a good time to finalise ride-sharing arrangements. I can offer a ride for up to 3 people who are willing to hop on at my apartment in JP Nagar. Send me private mail for phone number etc.

Things to bring:

* Your beverage[s] of choice - enough for yourself, and some to share.
* Those of you who have data cards or other means of cellular internet access, fetch 'em along
* A jacket/sweater or other warm clothing for the evening
* Cash to cover your costs (approx Rs 600 - 700)
* Yourselves, and your ideas for having a great time. ;-)

Feel free to respond in this thread and to update the wiki at http://fou.openscroll.org/


((Udhay Shankar N)) ((udhay @ pobox.com)) ((www.digeratus.com))

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