Udhay Shankar N wrote: [ on 10:29 AM 11/23/2007 ]

This would be a good time to finalise ride-sharing arrangements. I can offer a ride for up to 3 people who are willing to hop on at my apartment in JP Nagar. Send me private mail for phone number etc.

So, who else wants a ride? I think I have one place left in my car at this point.

Also, I think we need to finalise logistics - those of you who want to ride in convoy are welcome to show up at my place (just off Kanakapura road) and we can leave together on Saturday morning.

Call me for any other clarifications.

Things to bring:

* Your beverage[s] of choice - enough for yourself, and some to share.
* Those of you who have data cards or other means of cellular internet access, fetch 'em along
* A jacket/sweater or other warm clothing for the evening
* Cash to cover your costs (approx Rs 600 - 700)
* Yourselves, and your ideas for having a great time. ;-)

((Udhay Shankar N)) ((udhay @ pobox.com)) ((www.digeratus.com))

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