> I got arrested for jay walking the last time  I was in madras.  The
> cop seemed to suggest the crime was made worse because I was
> talking on a mobile phone while jay walking. I tried arguing that i
> was "listening" and not "talking" since he  had said "talking" while
> crossing was bad. anyway, that pissed him off sufficiently, and I got
> booked and fined in one of those mobile courts.....

Hehe :) If there's one thing that the Madrasi traffic constable doesn't
like, it's people "talking back". He is always right. If he accuses you of
something, or catches you in the act of some supposed breach of the law, you
are expected to apologize profusely and unconditionally. You can throw in a
promise never to repeat the offence in question for better results. As you
have realized, it is most unwise to argue any other side of the case...

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