On Monday 10 Dec 2007 9:27 am, Suresh Ramasubramanian wrote:
> I am not a practicing hindu, in private or in public. And I am quite open
> about calling certain hindu godmen (including one silk dressed hippie with
> a few rape cases against him, a US embassy advisory that doesn't quite name
> him, etc etc) frauds. Which doesn't particularly endear me to some of my
> relatives who have huge portraits of the guy that they worship.

Sai Baba in other words. The silk draped hippie with rape cases against him 
who produces Rolex watches out of thin air.

Well anyway you don't own up to being Hindu, but you probably are not a 
practising Christian or Muslim, Buddhist,  Jew, Jain or Sikh. You may be 
atheist or agnostic.

In fact many educated Hindus chose this route to avoid being asked to answer 
uncomfortable questions about Hinduism. Wearing Hindu symbols like a large 
"tilak" on one's forehead or admitting to openly practicing Hindu ritual  is 
quite often an invitation to being clubbed  with "Right wing Hindus". And 
that description "Right Wing Hindu" has been defined in the last few posts of 
this thread.

Nobody wants that tag, so better to opt out.


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