On Dec 10, 2007 9:43 AM, shiv sastry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> In fact many educated Hindus chose this route to avoid being asked to answer
> uncomfortable questions about Hinduism. Wearing Hindu symbols like a large
> "tilak" on one's forehead or admitting to openly practicing Hindu ritual  is
> quite often an invitation to being clubbed  with "Right wing Hindus". And
> that description "Right Wing Hindu" has been defined in the last few posts of
> this thread.

By carrying that statement to its logical end, I'd say Hindus are not
alone - the Muslims fear being dubbed hardcore radicals if they wear
traditional Islamic attire, and the Christians fear being termed as
proselytizing missionaries when they wear the cross and carry a Bible.

IMO, there are blander followers of every religion, and it isn't for
fear of retribution, but because religion and it's attendant symbols
and rituals aren't as strong an anchor in people's lives as they used
to be. For much the same reason I am not the card carrying,
GNU-tshirt-wearing Linux hippie I used to be.


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